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"Good morning, Mr. Prescott, I'm Anne Cutler. It's nice to finally meet you."

From Genna's description, Adam was expecting an elderly, crotchety old woman. Yet the one standing before him was roughly his own age. She had her crimson hair pulled back into a low bun and she wore dark grey dress pants with a soft jade blouse that made her hazel eyes look more green. She looked put together, smart, and damn how he hated to admit it, she looked beautiful.

Genna rolled her eyes at the overly fake, sickly sweet tone Ms. Cutler used as she addressed her father.

"Mornin' ma'am," Adam greeted as he shook her extended hand. "I'm real sorry it's taken so long for us to meet," he gave Genna a pointed look.

Ms. Cutler looked down her nose at Genna. "Yes, well, it's not like I could expect anything less from her."

Genna rolled her eyes, but Adam's jaw clenched. Even though he knew the meeting was to discuss Genna's poor behavior, something about the way the woman said 'her' made his ire raise. The disdain in her voice made it clear she didn't like Genna just as much as Genna didn't like her, and that kind of unprofessional stance immediately didn't sit well with Adam.

"Shall we?" Ms. Cutler stepped aside so the two could enter the empty office room.

Adam and Genna sat next to one another while Anne sat across from them. She had a large manila folder, notebook, and pen already waiting in preparation for the meeting.

"So," Anne began, "here is your late slip for your first class Genna," she slid the white paper across the table.

Genna took it and placed it in her bag, mumbling, "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Anne smiled and turned her attention to Adam. "I know I already filled you in on what's been going on here at school. Have you thought of any suggestions on how to handle her from here on out?" She opened the manila folder and began shuffling through papers as she awaited Adam's response.

"To be honest ma'am, I don't know much about how to handle her schooling, but I know how to handle her attitude, lying, and disobedience."

"That's still a wonderful start," Anne said, jotting down notes. "What do you suggest we do?"

"There ain't no 'we' necessary in that aspect, ma'am. It's being handled at home." Adam assured her.

Anne brought curious eyes up to Adam's. "How, if I may ask? That way I can at least attempt to duplicate what's being done at home, in the classroom when need be."

Adam shook his head, "Ma'am, I don't think that's something y'all can do here."

Anne sat rigidly in her chair. She put her pen down and folded her hands over her notebook. "Mr. Prescott, I feel as though we are talking in circles. Can we please push past the formalities and be frank with one another. We need to be a united front for Genevieve. What you do at home must be done here as well. Consistency is incredibly important for children like Genna."

Adam let out a chuckle, "Alright," he drawled with a shrug, "When she's actin' up, I spank her."

Genna felt all the blood in her body rush to her head. She literally heard her heart pounding in her ears as her cheeks flushed to a deep shade of embarrassment. She slid down in her seat and covered her face with a groan.

Anne's eyes widened. She blinked hard several times before clearing her throat.

"I.. I see. I know some schools in Oklahoma allow the use of corporal punishment, but I don't believe any of the schools in Jefferson county do."

"Thank God," Genna whispered under her breath.

"Even if y'all did, like I said, I'm the one handlin' it," Adam clarified.

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