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"Can you just talk to him, please?" Delilah begged. "He's miserable. Logan won't stop goin' on and on about how devastated he is."

Genna's eyes flashed like a wildfire. "I won't change what I'm saying just because he doesn't like what he's hearing."

"I still don't understand," the blonde sighed with a shake of her head.

"Then it's a good thing you don't need to," Genna snapped. She threw the tv's remote down onto the coffee table and kicked it for good measure as she rose from the couch and stormed off to her room.

February vacation had but a few days left and time with Aunt Ellie had passed too quickly. After many tears and promises to return soon, she traveled back to Arizona and the happy buffer she provided for Genna's turbulent emotions went with her. The miserable girl's mood swings were giving everyone in the house whiplash. One moment she was somber and quiet, the next she was raging and unable to be reasoned with.

The closer the return to school, the more unstable things became.

The more Genna dreaded having to face Archer. She didn't know how else to explain to him what was going through her mind. No one seemed to understand.

Running up to her room, Genna quickly changed into athletic attire. She was crawling out of her skin and needed to expend the building pressure she felt. Once she was changed, she grabbed her iPod and put in her ear buds and descended the stairs.

"I'm going for a run," she called out as she pushed open the back door. She didn't care who heard her. She knew she'd get in trouble if no one did, but that seemed like a tiny blip on her radar of things to worry about.

Her breaths escaped in white puffs as she took off. She closed her eyes for a moment and was grateful for the sun hanging low in the cloudless sky. Though it didn't radiate heat and the afternoon was particularly chilly, the way it glowed from beyond her closed lids made her mind feel warm. It relaxed her thoughts and settled her troubled heart.

Genna opened her eyes and listened to her music, synching the pounding of her feet to the beat of each song, or walking when she was out of breath. She didn't have a set distance or timeframe in mind when she set out. It was pain she was running from and peace she was seeking. Nothing else mattered.

It wasn't until her legs began to ache and the view around her faded from golden hues to a blue twilight that she checked her iPod. She'd been gone for several hours. Letting out a groan, Genna turned around and made her way back home. She knew she was really going to be in for it for so many reasons. Her mind ticked off the multiple infractions as she walked. By the time the house came back into view, the stars were glaring down at her and she felt troubled all over again, but for a whole new reason.

The moment her foot was placed on the bottom step, she expected Adam to come barreling outside but to her surprise, he didn't. She walked in and the house was quiet. She knew she missed dinner and figured everyone had decided to just let her be. Letting out a sigh of relief, she made her way upstairs and took a long, relaxing shower. As she used her favorite body wash and shampoo, she imagined the hot water was seeping through her pores and heating the cold spot inside her that still ached.

Finally feeling better after thoroughly exhausting, then pampering her muscles, she tossed her sweat soaked clothes into the hamper and wrapped up in her favorite fluffy towel. When she exited the bathroom, she noticed Delilah's door was cracked open but the light was off. The house was still quiet so she assumed everyone must've called it an early night and she found herself looking forward to doing the same.

Genna made quick work of changing into comfy pajamas. She chose soft grey cotton leggings and a simple white sweatshirt, then dug around in her sock drawer until she found her cream colored polka dot fuzzy socks with cat faces. She brushed her hair out and decided to braid it.

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