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Once he was sure Delilah was in her room and out of ear shot, Adam planted his palms on the island across from Genna and spoke in a low tone. His anger was simmering, yet palpable.

"You mind tellin' me just what in the hell was goin' through your head?"

Genna shrugged slightly. "I dunno."

"You don't know?"

When the petite brunette offered no other explanation, Adam pointed to the stairs. "Go get what ain't rightfully yours."

Genna left, and just as quickly returned with the two purloined items.

She slid them across the island and watched as Adam studied the price tags.

"30 days," he stated. "That's a day a dollar."

Genna's brows knitted together as she tried to figure out what he meant.

He neatly folded the shirts as he spoke. "Is no cell phone, no goin' out with your friends, and quality time with your dear ol' dad's hand before bed every night for the duration of your 30 day groundin' worth it?"

Feeling like the wind was knocked out of her, Genna could only shake her head no.

"I 'spose you're feelin' real grateful that this fool stunt wasn't more expensive, huh?"

Genna nodded. Suddenly her hands began to feel clammy.

"You clearly don't know this now, but by the end of this lesson, you'll have learned that your actions have consequences, and some of 'em come at a hefty price."

Genna shook her head. "I already know my actions will sometimes have consequences."

"They always will, Genevieve. And you've gotta take responsibility for them."

Her voice rose slightly. "But I didn't even get caught! It's not that big of a deal!"

Adam scoffed. "You didn't get caught? What the hell do you call the reason behind why this conversation is happenin' right now?"

"Um, I call it Delilah, because she's a big ass cry baby."

Adam shook his head. "You can't pin your wrong-doin's on her. That right there is what I'm talking' about: that ain't takin' responsibility." He paused and added, "and trust me, she ain't gonna be the only one cryin' tonight."

"Aww," Genna poked out her bottom lip in a mocking display of sadness. "Will you be needing me to check on you before bed, Adam?"

His stubbled jaw clenched and when he finally spoke, his tone had dropped several octaves from trying to control his anger. "Don't. You. DARE. Call me that again."

Genna smirked and raised an eyebrow. Something about this wild, defiant side of her felt so terribly good to let off leash after keeping it chained up for so long.

He pointed a finger at her. "Don't you dare. I am your father. We've come too far for you to turn around and call me that now. Especially when you're only doin' it to be disrespectful."

Genna crossed her arms and shrugged. "Pretty sure you can't make me."

Adam looked down and let out a low chuckle as he shook his head. When he brought his eyes up, they were blazing. A humorless grin pulled at his lips as he said, "I'm pretty sure by the time I'm through with you, you'll only be seein' things my way."

Genna let out a chuckle of her own. "We've come too far for you to still be telling yourself that, Adam."

His grin and all pretenses fell. His face morphed as a dark cloud of fury cloaked his features. He leaned on the counter toward her and yelled, "You best get your little ass to the den before I do somethin' I might regret!"

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