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"I really think she'd like a new phone," Genna said as she flipped through a H&M magazine, perusing possible birthday gifts for Delilah.

"I'm sure she would, but she doesn't need one."

Genna circled a few more articles of clothing, then sighed heavily. "Mama, you want my opinion and I'm giving it to you."

Lowering the her pen to rest atop the pad of paper she was listing party necessities on, Anne leveled the girl sitting across from her with a glare.

"Correction: I want your opinion, not your attitude."

This caused Genna's brow to quirk and she leaned back in her seat with her lips pressed tightly together.

"Don't look at me like that, Genevieve."

"Like what?" Genna asked, feigning ignorance.

Anne picked up her pen and jotted down the word 'streamers'.

"You know exactly how you're looking at me young lady, and you better stop."

Genna crossed her arms as she continued to survey the redheaded woman.

Anne suddenly slammed the pen down onto the table. "Stop it!" She then closed her eyes and blew out a long, steady breath.

Blinking, Genna uncrossed her arms and abruptly stood from her seat.

"H-how long?"

"What?" Anne sighed, trying to feign ignorance herself.

"How long what?" Adam asked as he entered the kitchen.

Though he knew fully well that Anne was capable of handling their girls, he still couldn't stop himself from entering the room if only for the sole purpose of having his presence be a show of solidarity with his wife.

Genna rounded the table and squatted down beside Anne, resting her hand gently upon the woman's clenched fist. "How long have you been having contractions, Mama?"

Anne gave her a small smile and stroked her long dark hair. "I'm sorry I was being rude. Contractions are no excuse."

"WHAT?!" Adam ran his hands through his hair and then his eyes darted around the kitchen as if an answer could be found amongst the appliances upon the counter tops. "You've been—for how long?—and you didn't tell me?!"

"Well, he'd be coming early and I wasn't entirely sure."

"I'm sure," Genna mumbled in recollection of the woman's temper getting shorter throughout the day.

"Adam," Anne breathed as another contraction wrapped itself around her abdomen. "I think it's time."

Within seconds, Genna was calling Ella-Mae, Adam had the hospital bag packed, and he and Anne were kissing their oldest children goodbye.

"I'll call as soon as he's here," Adam promised.

Delilah wiped the tears from her cheeks as she nodded and Genna wrapped an arm around her sensitive sister.

"We'll be waiting," Genna said with a reassuring smile.

Then she stood with Delilah on the porch and watched the truck fling debris into the air as it swiftly descended down the mile long driveway.


Thirteen long hours later, the phone finally rang out in the middle of the night and Genna let her sister answer.

"Hello?... He's finally here!!" Delilah burst into tears and passed the phone to Genna.

"Hey, Dad."

"Hey, sunshine."

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