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The eye of the storm that had been hovering over the Prescott Farmstead finally shifted. Its back wall of high tension winds and sharp words hurdling through the air cleared the path for a new beginning.

After everyone's chests felt considerably lighter having laid down what burdened them, the rest of the day passed with more laughter and smiles than all the days since Ms. Cutler's arrival combined. But come nightfall, after a delicious dinner, clean up dance party, and the first family game night that included Anne, Adam found himself standing outside of Genna's bedroom door feeling less than thrilled.

He blew out a breath before knocking softly. Though the invitation to enter was clipped, he couldn't bring himself to hold it against her. He didn't want to be there any more than she did.

Opening and promptly closing the door behind him, his eyes lingered on his eldest daughter. She sat upon her bed, legs crossed with her elbows braced on each knee and her chin resting in her hands. The slight scowl on her face only accentuated her sour aura.

"Ready?" he asked, not needing to remind her of why he was there.

Genna let her hands fall limply into her lap. "Do we really have to do this? I mean, you were all about wiping the slate clean this morning."

Adam chuckled and shook his head. "Me bein' here is what's wipin' your slate clean. Three days to go and then we can call it finished."

"Three measly days won't make a difference. Come on Dad, please?"

Bringing his hands to his hips, Adam's easy countenance swayed as he narrowed his eyes at her. Genna shifted uncomfortably under his silent gaze before letting out a disappointed sigh.

"Okay, okay. I get it," she relented as she rose from the bed. "But can't we just call it finished now? Pretty please?"

Adam crossed the floor, grabbing her vanity chair and setting it in the center of the room. He took a seat and leaned back, waiting for Genna to close the distance between them without being prompted. Having only three days left after a near full month and a half of this nightly routine, he wanted to see just how much self control she'd gained.

"I feel like so much was accomplished this morning." Genna kept on, "We've already turned the leaf. Wouldn't this just be back tracking?"

He waited patiently, keeping his face and body relaxed.

When he didn't respond, Genna fell quiet. As they sat in silence, he reflected upon their previous encounters. There had been nights like now, when she did her best to talk him out of following through with her punishment. Nights when she had started crying the moment he stepped into the room, making his heart ache to the point he questioned himself. Nights when her temper ran away with her mouth, earning herself a soaping beforehand, or in worst times, during. Nights when she would jump over the bed, scrambling from one side to the other so he couldn't catch her, only to thrash about once he did to the point he completed his task with her pinned face down on her bed. There had yet to be a night when she accepted the consequences of her actions without putting up a fuss when he ordered her over his knee. So this time, he decided not to order her at all. To see whether or not she'd progressed enough to do what she knew was required of her, regardless of how much she didn't want to do it.

Genna's thoughts were racing almost as quickly as her heart. She kept her eyes on Adam as she twirled her mood ring around and around on her middle finger; positive the color was a brilliant yellow to depict her nervousness. She knew what was coming, but Adam's steady silence made her question if he had something else in mind.

She started retracing her steps through the conversation since he had stepped foot into her room. She didn't sass him terribly. She kept her tone in check despite her displeasure. Did she cuss? She couldn't remember using foul language, and he didn't look upset, but then again Adam never handled her with angry hands. Deciding she must have said a bad word and he was merely waiting for her to go get the soap, she turned to leave the room.

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