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Adam slowed his truck down as he entered the quaint neighborhood. Meticulously cared for lawns with warm, inviting, homes sat in neat rows. Had it been any other morning he was sure it would be a quiet and calm place. This morning, chaos and flashing lights illuminated the eyes of every gathered spectator. He put his truck in park alongside the curb and his own eyes widened at the charred remains of what was once Anne Cutler's home. Police and firemen still busied themselves with ensuring the flames were out and proper safety measures were in place. His eyes roamed the many faces present in search of the one he came for.

Spotting her red hair, his chest tightened at the sight of Anne. Clutching her grey cat with a blanket draped around them both, she threaded trembling fingers through its fur as she spoke with a paramedic. Hopping out of his truck, Adam immediately made his way toward her. Tears had left streaks down her soot covered face and he could barely refrain from wiping them. He stood off to the side, doing his best to be patient as he waited for them to finish.

"I tried, but the damn thing malfunctioned. The flames caught the curtains.. at that point I realized it was quickly getting out of hand so I went to grab my cat. He was in a nearby bedroom. By the time I got him, the fire had cornered us. I pushed— Oh, Kavya!" Anne smiled as her neighbor approached with a large green duffel bag in one hand and a black pet carrier in the other.

Anne placed her cat into the carrier and pulled the distraught woman into a hug. "Thank you so much!"

"There's about a week's worth of clothes here. I can take him to my house," she offered with tears in her eyes. "I can take you both!"

"Thank you, but I've already called someone and you've already done more than enough. You're too kind, Kavs, truly."

Adam took that moment to clear his throat and step forward.

"Oh!" Anne exclaimed at Adam's appearance. "My ride is here."

Kavya pulled away and offered a hand out to Adam. "I'm Kavya Bakshi," she said with a watery smile.

"Adam Prescott."

The pair shook hands and Anne elaborated on their acquaintance. Kavya gave her an approving smile as she watched her friend try her best not to gush over the tall, handsome man.

"Well, my offer stands for as long as you need," Kavya reiterated.

Anne nodded. "Thank you, Kavs. You are a blessing. I'll be in touch."

"You're welcome. Take care. It was nice to meet you, Adam."

Tipping his hat to her, Adam smiled at the kind woman. "You as well, ma'am." Turning his attention to the paramedic, he asked, "Is she okay to leave or does she need to be taken to the hospital?"

"All of her vitals are checking out just fine, so I'd say she's good to go. But if you start to feel lightheaded, begin coughing, running fever, or develop any other new symptoms, don't hesitate to get to the hospital for further testing."

"I'll make sure of it," Adam nodded. He turned to Anne and gave a soft smile. "Let's get you home."

A returned smile graced her face, but it didn't reach her eyes. She looked once more at the scene before them. That house had been in her family for four generations. She inherited it when her parents passed and having been an only child, she wanted nothing more than to raise her own family there. So many memories and dreams were intertwined within the now exposed beams. A part of her felt like it went up in smoke with them.

Taking his hand, Anne climbed out of the ambulance. She reached for the carrier and duffel bag, but Adam was quicker.

"Who's this?"

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