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Slut. Bitch. Whore.
Genevieve Henderson has STDs!

The words were written in bold red lipstick across the bathroom mirrors. They were a complete fallacy, yet they hurt anyway. As Genna took in the sight before her, she felt that inner flame of her's scorching her chest, begging to be released. Her anger was paralyzing. She stood in place, unable to move. Unable to breathe. She wanted to throw up, and scream. Punch a wall, and cry. She wanted to find Valerie Davenport, and scalp the scrawny bitch.

Genna was so engrossed in her thoughts and anger, she didn't realize how long she had been standing there for until the bell signaling the end of first period rang out. Fanning her face with her hands, she took several calming breaths. She was not going to lose her temper and let that thot get her in trouble. Though homicide was still high on her list of ways to get back at Valerie, she needed to bide her time. What goes around, comes around.

She exited the bathroom and made her way toward her locker. Eyes everywhere were lingering on her. News of the red lies marked upon the mirrors spread like wildfire. Whispers of Valerie's handiwork winnowed through the halls of Hastings High and everyone watched Genna's reaction eagerly.

Just as she reached her locker, Delilah came running up to her. "Oh my God, you won't fuckin' believe what I was told durin' English class," she huffed trying to catch her breath.

"Let me guess," Genna looked to the ceiling and tapped her chin in faux thought. "Valerie wrote shit about me on the mirrors in all the girls' bathrooms."

Delilah nodded earnestly. "Yeah, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"It is," Genna shrugged. Contrary to how she felt, her voice sounded completely unbothered.

Eyes widening, Delilah softly inquired, "Are.. are you okay? What did she write? Should we tell the Principal? Do you want me to beat her ass?" The more questions she asked, the more hyped she became. She was shifting her weight side to side, looking like a caged animal waiting for the latch to fail.

"No," Genna laughed. "I don't want you getting in trouble over her. I'll keep giving her rope, eventually she'll hang herself with it and we won't have to do a thing. Arrogant people like her... they're always their own downfall."

Giving her the side eye, Delilah asked, "Who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

Genna rolled her eyes, "I'm serious Lilah, drop it. Everyone knows she's just butthurt from getting her ass handed to her at the party."

"True, but word of this is eventually goin' to get to the Principal. The janitor will tell him."

"Then I guess we better clean it up before he does."

Delilah stuck out her bottom lip in silent protest, then she whined, "Can't we just kick her ass?"


"Just a little bit?"

"Maybe one day," Genna laughed. "Just not today."

Delilah gave her best puppy dog eyes, but they didn't work on Genna like they do their dad. They cleaned up the mirrors the best they could, making sure that at least Genna's name was no longer legible.

The day trudged on so slowly, time seemed to have been going backwards. Genna avoided Valerie at all costs. She knew coming face to face with the girl would result in her own suspension because one cross look from her and Genna's every restraint would snap. Her patience would snap, her anger would snap, Valerie's neck would snap; it would be terrible all around.

By the time the day was over and Genna finally crossed the threshold of home, she felt all the pent up energy drain out of her. All the effort of staying calm and collected took an incredible toll on her. She hung up her bag, and went directly up to her room.

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