⁰⁴ | Mountain Troll

222 13 19

(Little update, I changed the song that was added in this chapter, to one that I think will fit more. But it's still a recent song)

Chapter 4: 

This morning was quite different for Aiden, Instead of waking up like normal, he was woken up by the strumming of Hayden's guitar, down in the common room and also the loudness of the other kids in the dorms.

He knew how much his brother loved music, he did too but he didn't do it as often, well play any instruments. He could sing, but he didn't think it was good but his family always told him it was. Which was another reason not to believe them. Aiden always thought they simply just told him it was good to not hurt his feelings, it wouldn't exactly matter to him, he would only sing with his family on special occasions, like Christmas.

Unlike Hayden, his favourite things to do were reading and playing the guitar, which is why he would play the guitar a lot, like in the mornings when he didn't have anything better to do because he was always up way too early. Aiden got out of bed and shuffled over to the spot he has thrown his uniform the day before, and started changing, he put his hair in a little bun. His hair has been growing a lot, he liked his long hair. Even if it was only shoulder length at the moment, he had only recently decided he wanted to grow it out, It wasn't as long as his father but he liked it.

He left the room and walked down the stairs seeing multiple students surrounding Hayden who was happily playing his guitar.  Once his presence was known to the kids, Hayden turned to Aiden with a look he wasn't exactly happy with.

"Aiden, come sing, It'll be fun!"

Aiden's face had turned red with embarrassment as he stared at his brother, whose smile kept on growing. "no..." He muttered, he would never sing in front of anyone that wasn't family. "Please, man?" Aiden shook his head, he would never agree to it, and he didn't want to sing, It was just a family tradition that they would sing during family celebrations, for fun, it didn't have to be good either.

"You sing Aiden?"

Aiden straightened his posture in shock upon hearing the voice. He turned around and saw Hermione looking at him, she probably just came from the girl's dormitories while his back was turned. "N-no?" He lied, very awfully. He wasn't the best at lying, well only in situations like this, if he could think of a good lie or excuse, he could easily fool someone. "Oh yeah he sings, but he doesn't want to right now, could you perhaps help?" Hayden asked her with an evil grin on his face, Aiden turned towards him and glared at him.

Once he turned back Hermione was staring at him with a smile on her face. "Could you please sing Aiden? Everyone here wants to hear it, me especially." She said as her smile got brighter, the black-haired boy stared at her nervously, as he scanned across the room, he could see multiple people looking at him, waiting patiently. The longer he stayed there the more nervous he got, so he left...

He sped-walked out of the room, ignoring the calls of Hermione and Hayden. Once far enough away from the common room, he started walking to his next class. He had to admit it wasn't smart to run out like that, but it was either that or sing and he definitely wasn't gonna sing.

Aiden had only then realised how early it really was, breakfast wouldn't be in another hour. So he went to the library instead, he wasn't expecting to find anything he'd like, since he already had the only book he needs but it was worth a try. Once he made it to the library, he started pacing each shelf looking for a new book. He did find some interesting ones but he decided to keep looking. Until he passed a book that he took interest in, but it was also kind of weird. He looked closer and read.

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