¹⁰ | Parselmouth

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A/N: Apologies for the late chapter, My autumn break has started so I'm hoping I have more time to write than during school, but anyway onto the chapter!

Chapter 10:

It was yet again time for Defence against the Dark Arts, a lesson the twins hated more as the year went by. Or was it just the professor, who knows? Today they were gathered in the great hall, which had been rearranged a bit to fit today's lesson. The two middle tables were formed into one, with a blue sheet across it. The sheet itself had Celestial designs all over it, which was a nice touch. "What are we doing today?" Aiden asked Hayden, the boy turned to him, shrugging his shoulders. "No idea, I didn't listen." The two turned back to the front, seeing Gilderoy approaching the makeshift stage. "Guess we're about to find out," Hayden added. "Gather round! Gather round." He said, that ridiculous smile on his face. 

"Can everybody see me?" He asked, his smile only growing wider. "Can you all hear me?"


He turned with a swift move and started walking back across the makeshift stage, all students, except the twins followed him with their eyes. "In the light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little Duelling club, to train you all up, in case you need to defend yourselves." At this information, the twins shared grins, before finally paying attention to the professor. 

"As I, myself have done on countless occasions." He added a moment later, which made the twins roll their eyes. 

"He is so full of himself," Hayden said, which Aiden nodded to, not bothering to come up with anything else. 

"For full details, see my published works." He pulled off his cape and tossed it into the crowd, immediately, most girls gasped in delight at the man's cape, holding it in a fierce grip. "Let me introduce my assistant-" He placed his hands on his hips, as he scanned the room smugly. "-Professor Snape!" he added and pointed over to the other side of the stage. Snape walked up the stage, his face contorted with annoyance and his arms crossed over his chest. 

"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry." He let out a chuckle.

"You'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him. Never fear..."

He walked over to Snape and pulled out his wand, he had a smug grin on his face, and they got into position and bowed to each other before turning around and stepping back. "One." Gilderoy started counting.

"This is gonna be hilarious," Aiden said with a smug grin, but disappeared when he received an elbow to the ribs, he looked at his side and saw Hermione glaring at him. "Would you quit hating on him for one moment!" He stared at her before his grin reappeared. 

"I don't think I will, 'Mione." Hermione rolled her eyes, making the boy snicker.



Snape was the fastest to cast the first spell. "Expelliarmus!" The red spell shot from the wand and collided with Gilderoy's chest, He was then launched backwards and landed hard on his back. Students in the crowd started laughing, mostly the boys. The twins laughed the hardest, they were heard above all the others. And the girls seemed rather concerned about his wellbeing, and thinking it was rude to laugh at him, like they all did. 

With loads of effort, he slowly sat up straight. Seemingly shocked by the power of the spell.

"Do you think he's alright?" Hermione asked concern latched in her voice. Ron, who was standing a bit behind her along with Harry laughed and said. "Who cares?" The twins who stood at either side of Hermione now, laughed even louder. "Could you two stop?! Maybe he's hurt!" She scolded them. The boys quickly went quiet.

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