⁰⁸ | Quidditch Accident

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Chapter 8:

It was a chilly afternoon at Hogwarts, as the students gathered at the Quidditch pitch for another thrilling match. The rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin was always intense, and today was no different. The anticipation hung in the air as the players mounted their brooms, preparing for the clash of skill and strategy.

In the stands, Hermione, Ron, and Hayden, eagerly watched the game unfold. They cheered on their friends, their voices blending with the roaring crowd. Today was important, for Gryffindor had a new opponent—Draco Malfoy, Slytherin's newly appointed seeker.

At first, the game went relatively smoothly, with each team scoring points here and there. Harry flew above the pitch, looking out for the snitch but to no avail. Aiden on the other hand, who was still a chaser on the team, was currently scoring as many points as he could with his fellow teammates as he had noticed Harry's struggles.

While Aiden was focused on what was happening above him, A Slytherin had taken the Quaffle and was perfectly dodging the red birds swarming around him. Aiden raced after him in an attempt to take the Quaffle from his hands, but upon arriving at the Slytherin's side, the point had already been made. "Another goal for Slytherin!" Lee exclaimed through the microphone, quickly adding the points to the machine. "They lead Gryffindor 90 to 30." Aiden frowned at the news but quickly shook off the thought and flew back into the field.

As the Slytherin's got together for a short parade, the Gryffindors let out a cheer, grasping onto their burst of hope. Hayden and Ron were the same, cheering on the inside. Hayden was mostly looking around the pitch, trying to spot the snitch himself. Even if he wasn't much of a fan, he still liked to join in on such things; while doing so he had noticed a man with blonde locks. Lucius Malfoy was sitting on the teacher's stand. Hayden looked over at the other two, he tapped both their shoulders causing them to look his way.

As they glanced toward Hayden they noticed the seriousness in his expression. "What's wrong, Hayden?" Hermione asked with concern.

Hayden leaned in closer and whispered, "Look over there, it's Lucius Malfoy. I saw him sitting on the teacher's stand. I wonder what he's doing here." Ron's face scrunched up in a mixture of surprise and suspicion. "Malfoy?"

"Maybe he's just here to watch his son play," Hermione suggested, trying to give Malfoy the benefit of the doubt. She turned back around and just as she did Aiden sped past the Gryffindor stands holding the Quaffle. Hermione smiled and immediately started cheering for him.

Aiden dodged incoming Slytherin players and with a quick throw, he threw the quaffle at a nice speed past the keeper and perfectly through the middle hoop, earning another 10 points for Gryffindor. "And Aiden Fireheart scores a point for Gryffindor!" Lee added 10 points to Gryffindor's count before exclaiming. "Slytherin is still in the lead, but this time, 50 for Gryffindor and 90 for Slytherin!"

Harry flew around the pitch once more before Draco joined him."All right there, scarhead?" Harry shot him a glare before continuing his search, hoping to tune out Draco as best as he could. When he looked back, he had a second of looking before the bludger shot his way, just barely missing his head. Harry followed the ball in shock. Oliver had noticed this little miss-hap and flew over to come to say something about it. "Watch yourself, Harry!" The boy was about to nod but he quickly took notice of the bludger coming back.

"Wood look out!" Harry yelled, seeing the ball racing towards his figure before the bludger hit the tip of his broomstick, losing control of his broom and soon landing on the grass below. The bludger raced towards Harry again but he managed to dodge the incoming ball. Harry had quickly understood that there was something up with the bludger, it followed his every move.

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