⁰² | Diagon Alley

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Chapter 2:

It was now early in the morning and the Firehearts were getting ready to leave for Diagon Alley, The twins were excited to start their second year and Amelia was excited to begin her fourth year. Daniel still had to wait a year until he could go to Hogwarts, that is if he received his letter but they were sure he would. Both Rei and Alice would be joining them in Diagon Alley, it sure has been a while since Rei has last been there.

Once ready, Aiden and Hayden walked out of their shared room wearing the new necklace they had received from Hermione and wearing matching outfits, Only outside of Hogwarts of course. They both wore plain white shirts, along with some black slacks, matching black boots and a nice plaid blouse over it. Hayden wore a blue plaid blouse while Aiden wore a red one. "Excited about going back, brother?" Aiden asked and the boy smiled and nodded happily. "Of course I'm excited!" The boy chuckled at his brother's answer and before they knew it, the two boys made it downstairs. The rest was already waiting for them.

Their father was holding a little bag, the two boys already knew what it was and how it worked. It was floo powder a transport method. Aiden and Hayden travelled with floo powder before and they thought it was absolutely amazing. "You got everything boys?" Rei asked and the boys nodded. He was happy they were finally ready, he didn't want to wait any longer.

The six family members made their way to the living room where they would be travelling from. "Alright, go on grab a hand full," Rei said holding out the bag to each of them. Amelia went first, she threw the powder down by her feet and shouted the location she wished to visit. Which in this case was, Diagon Alley.

Aiden and Hayden went next, but not before the two of them argued to get to go first. "Okay, i want to go first!" They yelled at the same time. The two glared at each other before they started arguing, this included shoving and cursing, a lot of cursing... It went on for a few minutes until Rei finally pulled the two boys apart. "Okay enough! Hayden goes first." The boy stuck out his tongue at his brother and then also shouted out the location. Once he had disappeared, Rei nodded his head to Aiden, telling him he could go in now. The boy took a hand full of Floo Powder and threw it by his feet. "Diagon Alley!" And with that he disappeared before, appearing in the wizarding shopping street.

Soon enough the other family members arrived and they all went shopping. Alice took Amelia and Daniel, While Rei took the two boys. They went to all sorts of stores, Their father was also happily looking around, sure it didn't change much after the years he kept away from the wizarding world, but it still amazed him to see him again. The twins had pulled their father into a shop so quickly that he couldn't even read the sign but once inside he knew what shop they had entered. He sighed and saw the boys looking at all the animals they had here. "Father! Can we have a cat for Hogwarts?" Aiden pleaded. Rei shook his head no.

"Let's not do that, maybe next year."

The twins thought that answer was better than a 'no', so they agreed and left the shop. They soon noticed a huge line forming in front of Flourish and Blotts. The three of them approached the crowd and looked inside the shop. Rei immediately sighed when he saw who stood at the end of the room. "Who Is it, father?" Hayden asked, Rei didn't really want to answer though, he hated the person at the front with a burning passion.

"Gilderoy Lockhart. Biggest liar of the wizarding world."

The twins both shared a confused look, not understanding what he was talking about. "Go in, he will recognise me, even if I don't want him to." The boys shrugged their shoulders and walked in. Getting complaints about cutting the line, they decided to completely ignore them though. And well they didn't have to answer anyway, now that Rei saw the man at the front, he had this nearly permanent glare on his face, which would be hard to change to a neutral look.

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