⁺ | Extra Chapter: 19th of September

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(A/N): This chapter doesn't necessarily continue the story, just consider this chapter as an extra chapter. This chapter, in particular, is about Hermione's birthday, but I think the title already shows that. Well anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Extra Chapter 1:

Hermione and Aiden were seated in the great hall, both doing their own thing. Hermione was enjoying the book she had gotten from Mrs Fireheart, while doing so she was leaning on Aiden's shoulder, which she thought was very comfortable. Ever since the incident with Malfoy, the two had been very close, close like Aiden and Hayden were but... worse? They were basically glued together.

While she was reading her book, however, Aiden was thinking of what to buy for her birthday, which was closing in. He wanted to get her something special, and he needed time to think of the most perfect gift for her. He had been thinking of a gift for her most of this week, minus the day of the incident, of course, he had other things on his mind at that time. Apparently, Hayden had already gotten his present, which Aiden wasn't happy with. He chose to get her a book, one that is quite rare and quite expensive. She had been talking about it since the beginning of the year.

Aiden had been writing down all of the ideas in a notebook he brought, although most of the ideas were already crossed out. He had charmed the book, making it only readable to him, much like a privacy charm. As he scanned the parchment, he read the few ideas multiple times, trying to think of ways they could look like. A few things were still open, which were, Jewellery, Books, Special quills and clothing. He took one more look at the clothing option and immediately crossed it out, he wasn't good with fashion and or girls' clothes.

Aiden looked towards Hermione, she was still comfortably laying against his shoulder, occasionally smiling while reading. "'Mione?" He asked and the girl hummed in response, not taking her eyes off her book. "Do you like Jewellery?" Hermione took her head off his shoulder and looked him straight in the eyes, she thought it was rather strange that he asked this so suddenly. "Uhm... yes... Why?"

"No reason!" Aiden said quickly, a bit too quickly. Hermione chose to ignore it though, finding the book in her hand a slight bit more interesting. She placed her head back on his shoulder and continued to read, in silence. Well as silent as it was gonna get since the two were sitting in a crowded great hall. "What about quills? Seen any cool ones?" This time Hermione closed her book and turned her body to him fully. He seemed quite nervous, she could tell by looking at his eyes, they were darting all around the room and not once did they stop at her. "Aiden what's wrong, you seem nervous."

"Nervous? Where'd you get that idea, I'm fine!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, she wasn't stupid and definitely not blind, she could see he wasn't acting like himself. If this was about her birthday she would be so pissed at him, she had made it very clear that she didn't need a present, she had told him at least 10 times already, every time he tried to get her to say what she would like and every time she told him 'no' or simply ignored him.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak but closed it once she heard someone call her name. She looked passed Aiden and saw Hayden running their way, he stopped next to them and took a moment to catch his breath. "Hermione, can I borrow you for a moment?" Hermione blinked a few times before simply nodding at him. She stood up and walked away from Aiden, following Hayden, not exactly knowing where they were going. The moment they were out of sight Aiden left the Gryffindor table and sprinted towards the Ravenclaw table, his sister was sitting at the far end chatting with her friends. "Amelia!" the girl got startled hearing her name being called so suddenly

--- Aiden's POV ---

"Yes?" She asked, I took out my notebook and held it at my side. "It's Hermione's birthday this weekend and I have a favour to ask," I said, Amelia nodded, telling me to continue. I handed her the notebook and pointed at the first option. "This weekend when you go to Hogsmeade could you get me a gift for her?" I wasn't sure if she'd agree but a guy can hope, and perhaps since I mentioned Hermione she'll do it. Amelia loves Hermione, ever since the first year, well our first year.

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