¹⁰ | The Year's End

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Chapter 10:

It was now midnight and finally, the 5 students would go down the trapdoor, although they were still missing someone, and that someone was still sleeping upstairs. "Hayden could go wake Aiden, he said he'd be ready 10 minutes ago." Hermione turned towards Hayden who only nodded and made his way back to the boy's dormitory. The boy walked up to his brother's bed and got real close before shouting. "Oi! Wake up!" Aiden sprung awake. He frantically looked around the room before noticing his brother, snickering at him. He glared at him before taking his pillow and throwing it at him making him tumble to the floor.

The students who were waiting outside the door heard something fall and turned their heads towards the dormitories. "Think they're alright?" Ron asked.

"I'm sure they're fine." She answered him and just as she said that the two boys came through the door, Aiden glaring at Hayden while he was still grinning from ear to ear. "Alright now shall we finally go before it's too late," Hermione said before approaching the stairs and silently going down them. The four others followed suit. The five students soon made it down the stairs and before they could take another step the twins spoke. "Do you guys hear a frog?"

"I see the frog, it's Trevor," Harry said.

"Trevor shh! Go! You shouldn't be here!" Ron said to the frog when the twins heard that they had to hold in their laughs, something they had to do often. "Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?" Neville suddenly appeared from one of the armchairs. "Listen, Neville, we were just--" Aiden started but Neville quickly interrupted him.

"No! I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again!"

Aiden stepped forward. "Oh yeah?" He challenged. "And how will you do that?" he said smirking at the boy.

"I-i'll f-fight you...!" Neville stuttered lifting his fist in front of his face. Aiden laughed, he had thought it was a joke, which is why he laughed but Neville looked dead serious. "Oh... you weren't joking..."

"Why would I joke about this, it's always you five who get Gryffindor in trouble..!" The boy said, still holding his fists up. Hermione pulled Aiden's arm and pulled him backwards. "Neville, I'm really really sorry about this." She took out her wand and proceeded to point her wand at the boy. "Petrificus Totalus."

When the spell was cast, Neville froze and fell onto the floor with a loud thud. Ron gulped loudly as he watched the poor boy fall to the floor, Harry was only shocked at it, not expecting Hermione to do such a thing. "You're a little scary sometimes, you know that?" Ron said looking over at her. "Brillant, but scary." He added. All the twins could do was smile brightly. "I knew you were my favourite, 'Mione," Aiden said as the girl giggled at his comment and with that, she stepped over Neville's body out the door. Everyone copied her movements and followed her out the door but not before Hayden whispered a little apology at the boy. "Sorry Neville." He left out the door and they all got under the invisibility cloak, how they all fit underneath it was a mystery, especially since the two Firehearts were a lot taller than the rest, the only option they had was to crouch along with them or get caught. There was only one obvious answer to this.

"How much longer? My legs hurt." Aiden wined in the back. "Don't be so dramatic," Hermione said as she rolled her eyes, The boy dramatically gasped at the comment. "Me? Dramatic?" Hayden then intentionally stepped on his foot causing his brother to yelp out in pain. "Can you two be quiet back there, if we're caught now we'll be in serious trouble!" Hermione said, turning her head to glare at the two boys. They immediately changed their posture and nodded. They may have gotten used to her glares and such but they still would rather not be on 'Mione's bad side. The rest of the journey was quiet for a while until it was Hermione time to cry out in pain.

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