⁰³ | Flying Car

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A/N: I just wanted to apologise for the late updates, school has been horrible, let's not get into detail. But I recently saw that this book hit 1k views and I just wanted to say thank you all so much! I never thought it would get that many views to be honest! I really appreciate it! <3 <3 <3

Right, now that I have said that, let's get on with today's chapter!

Chapter 3: 

Family Fireheart had now made it to the station, September 1st had finally come and they were all very excited to be returning to Hogwarts once more. Aiden and Hayden were excitedly pulling their trunks towards the platform. The rest of the family follows behind them. "Boys, why the rush? You have 20 minutes to spare!" Rei yelled as he sped-walked after his two sons, but before he could reach the two had already run through the gateway. Rei sighed before walking through followed by the rest of the family. He was first to make it through and immediately noticed that the two boys were nowhere to be seen. "Where have they run off to now?" He muttered, looking around the place, trying to spot them.

"These idiots didn't even wait for us!" Amelia said before getting a look from her mother.

"Don't call your brothers idiots." the girl sighed. "Yes, mum," Amelia said, then the 4 of them, continued, assuming they had already gone towards the train. Once arrived at the train, still no sign of them. Well, that was until Daniel spotted them. "They're over there, with... Hermione." He said and all the family members turned their heads in sync. Daniel was indeed correct as they saw Aiden and Hayden chatting with the brunette. They all approached them and Hermione was the first to notice them. "Oh! Good morning Mr and Mrs Fireheart!" She said with a kind smile on her face. Both parents returned the smile. The two boys turned around and smiled at their parents but this time they didn't smile back, they were both glaring at them.

"Don't run off like that." Alice started. "You're father and I were worried."

"Sorry, mother, we just wanted to see Hermione again!" The boys answered in sync. Alice stayed quiet for a moment before smiling at the two boys. "Alright! It's all fine, let's get your trunks into the train!" Alice said before walking off, the crew following her. She and Rei helped Amelia with her trunk, while the two twins did it on their own, or well tried to, they needed a little help at the end of it all. Both boys then proceeded to help Hermione with her trunk. Once they were all secure, the twins said goodbye to their parents and Daniel. Amelia did so too.

Once back on the train, the three siblings parted ways, Amelia went to find her friends and Aiden, Hayden and Hermione went to find an empty compartment. "Have you two seen Ron and Harry?" The brunette suddenly asked. The two boys shook their heads. The three entered a compartment and sat down. Hermione and Aiden shared a side and Hayden got the other side. "Look at all of this space!" He said as he stretched his legs across the couch, he smirked at the others. Aiden and Hermione looked at each other before laughing. Hayden soon enough joined in and the compartment was filled with laughter for a while.

When the laughter finally died, Hermione saw a few redheaded people pass their compartment. She immediately stood up and opened the door. Once her head was outside she saw the Weasley twins. "Fred, George!" She exclaimed catching their attention. They turned towards her.

"What is it, little lady?" They said in sync.

"Where are Ron and Harry, I'm assuming Harry came here with you all." She said and the two boys turned towards the window, in case their little brother was still outside. "We have no idea--" Fred started. "They were behind us when we went through the platform." George finished. Hermione gave the two a worried smile before thanking them and walking back to the compartment. The twins turned to her, waiting for her to give them information.

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