Falling into You

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The streets were icy and cold, all with coats wore them and thanked the Lord for that good fortune. Some went without, making due with old towels or dying. That was why Enjolras was here. Marius constantly had to remind him that they were here to give coats to the poor, not to start another riot. It was easy for Enjolras to begin a conversation about a better world which quickly became a speech on liberty. But that was not what today was about. He had just given the last coat in his wicker basket to a young urchin along with a few francs found in his own pocket. That was when he turned and ran into a girl, knocking her to the ground, himself falling on top of her.

Eloise was running down the street, a loaf of stale bread clenched in her hand. She looked back just once to see the older urchins who were chasing her, fighting for this foresaken loaf. Then she hit something and went down in a flash, feeling a sudden weight above her. Eloise lifted her gaze and saw deep blue eyes and angelic blond hair.

Enjolras found himself on top of an urchin girl, uncomfortably close to her face. He quickly got up and lifted the girl with him, but when looking to retrieve his basket an the girl's bread. he saw that both items had indeed been taken. "Mademoiselle, a thousand apologies, allow me to pay for the lost food. I will see to it that you receive the proper sum."

Eloise, standing and staring at the man, said nothing. She reached down to grab her thin black shawl which was now covered in snow. Wrapping it around her shoulders she began to walk away when the man grabbed her arm. She whirled around and slapped, but his grip held fast.

"Please allow me to buy you more bread and as for your threadbare shawl, have this for your bare arms."
Enjolras couldn't let the girl leave without reversing the damage done so he held out a burgundy jacket which he had been wearing. When she still said nothing he put the coat around her and began to leave. Now she was warn and had the francs which were in his pockets. Having no more to do in the market, he walked, in the snow, towards his flat.

Eloise watched him go, his coat around her. She went to the small alley that night and slept there. It was the safest place, between bourgeois homes. As long as the police didn't find her, she could slept well tonight.

Author Note:
Hey there! Thanks for reading this fanfic. I hope you like it and continue to read this! Please comment and tell me how to improve this!

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