June 5th, 1832

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Enjolras went to his own flat after he had left Grantaire's and prepared for the rally later that day. He adorned himself with a maroon jacket over a white shirt and finally a rosette with the colors red, white, and blue. Over and over he went over what he would say in his mind, he had to rally the people. He had to help spark the rebellion.

This was his chance, he was prepared and eager to fight for his country. Enjolras had missed the first revolution, he hadn't even been born yet, but now it was his chance to start, no, continue the revolution.

This time it will be different, we will get our republic after all these years. Vive la Republic. Vive la France. And Enjolras truly believed that justice would triumph.


The sun was bright as Enjolras stood in the mass of people, biding his time until the right moment. The people were restless, they always were, but today it seemed like a hum of energy had settle around them. Enjolras saw the young Gavroche running through the street and crawling around, under, over and even in the carriages. His gaze soon found Marius, who turned and met his stare. With a sharp nod, Enjolras began the rally, both he and Marius jumped up onto a small platform that elevated them a few feet higher.

"We are the leaders of the land? Where are the swells who run this show?" Enjolras yelled.

"Only one man, and that's Lamarque, speaks for the people here below." Marius added.

"But Lamarque is ill and fading fast, he won't last the week, so they say."

"With all the anger in the land? How long before the judgement day?"

"Before we cut the fat ones down to size... Before our barricades arise!" Enjolras finished. The people began to riot and call for justice and liberty. It worked. He and Marius jumped off of their platform and joined the people in their many shouts.

Suddenly one voice rose above the crowd, "Police!" The voice cried, "It's the police!"

But this warning did not silence the mass of people, instead it unified their many voices as they all cried, "Vive la France! Vive la Republic!" In one strong voice.

It had begun.


Enjolras returned to his own flat after the rally and draped his coat on the back of a chair. He hadn't seen Grantaire all day and it pained him to a physical extent. Of course Enjolras wanted to rush back to Grantaire's side and give him all the love he possessed but he restrained himself. He knew that in order to save Grantaire, he would have to make the love of his life loathe him.

Enjolras began to ready himself for the meeting that night; this pushed Grantaire temporarily out of his mind, but he always found his way back.

A knock on the door was heard and Enjolras stood and opened it it find Jehan standing in front of him.

"Enjolras, I have an idea for another pamphlet or flyer." Jehan said, getting straight to the point.

"Oh, of course come in." Enjolras replied and opened the door wider.

"I think this is really good, I've been working with it for quite some time now."

"Alright, well what is it, Jehan?"

Jehan handed Enjolras a small flyer and Enjolras read it earnestly; it was perfect.

RED! the blood of angry men.
BLACK! the dark of ages past.
RED! a world about to dawn.
BLACK! the night that ends at last.

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