Marble Lover of Liberty

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"Grantaire, what's made you so happy, today?" Jehan asked as Grantaire walked into the Café that night.

"Dearest Jehan, it is the wonderful hope of perhaps. I might not know everything for sure, but I dwell on the possibilities."

"I do believe, that you are in love, but with who?"

"I had assumed that all of you had pieced it together by now. Don't think I don't know that you and Courf get together and talk about all of us."

Jehan's face suddenly became red and he stammered, "We don't talk about... well, so you still love Enjolras?"

"Of course and Jehan, do you have a reason to be embarrassed about Courfeyrac?" Grantaire, sober for once, found himself purely curious about the poet's life, and why the mention of Courfeyrac made him blush.

"Nothing, of course! I didn't want you to think that I gossiped."

Grantaire, not quiet believing Jehan, looked up and smiled as Enjolras entered the cafe... with Eloise on his arm. His smile faltered for a moment, not quite sure what he had expected after last night. Did he think that Enjolras would come in and sweep him off his feet? Officially declaring his love to him? Why did he think things would change after one hug? No, Eloise loves him. He loves Eloise. I was a fool to think otherwise. Last night was pity, and I would rather have a sliver of his love than all of his pity. Enjolras is better off with Eloise.

Grantaire watched the perfect Apollo speak for a moment before he got up to fetch himself a few bottles. If I cant be anything good, I might as well be a bad example. He brought the bottle to his lips and drank.


When Enjolras first walked in the cafe, he was pleasantly delighted to see Grantaire without a bottle by him. Maybe my words last night changed him. Maybe this is because he loves me. As Eloise left to work, Enjolras began to speak to his friends.

"Soon we must begin to make speeches to the people, showing them that it is easy to stand up to the tyrants. Tomorrow we will address those at the market, making it plain as day that we will not tolerate this inferior treatment!" As he continued, he felt a smile spread across his face but it faltered when his eyes fell upon Grantaire. Enjolras paused, trying to hide the disappointment at the sight of all the wine Grantaire swallowed. "Grantaire, put the bottle down, please." Enjolras pleaded, not angrily, but softly.

Grantaire turned as he heard his name, intrigued by the unusual manner of Enjolras's tone. "Apollo, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your voice?"

"It is your drunken state and lack of concentration that calls my attention to you."

"Well then, is that not the answer to the unasked question?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Enjolras lied, he knew exactly what the question was.

"You all have wondered why I prefer to be drunk and the answer is because it draws attention that otherwise is impossible to obtain. Many probably thought it was because of my negligent and also drunk father, but no. I drink because of our fearless leader, the one who has cast me aside and teases without knowing how deep he drives his knife into me. I see it plain now, Enjolras, the big picture. I can't live without you, but you can live without me." Grantaire sauntered over to Enjolras who stood stiff and silent. Leaning closer to the one he loved, he whispered so only Enjolras could hear, "Farewell, Enjolras, the marble lover of liberty." Then, unsure but, sincere, Grantaire brought his lips to meet Enjolras's and heard his friends gasp. He was surprised as well to find that Enjolras didn't draw back. And maybe Grantaire imagined it but he could've sworn that Enjolras kissed back, just for a fraction of a second. It was Grantaire that finally pulled away and left the cafe without a word, striding into the dark Paris streets.


Enjolras, like everyone else, was unsure of what had happened. Glancing around he saw his friends staring at him, some open mouthed, others frozen in shock. It was the sound of approaching footsteps that brought them all out of the trance.

When Eloise entered the back room, she was quite unsure why all the boys were silent. "What has happened? Where is Grantaire? Why are you all so silent?"

To answer all her inquiries, Combeferre stepped forward, clearing his throat, "Enjolras and Grantaire had a small moment and he left after an interesting turn of events."

"Oh, Enjolras, if he is cross shouldn't you go after him? It is quite late and dark to be wandering alone."

"Eloise, if I went to find Grantaire, wouldn't you have to walk home alone?" Enjolras asked, unsure about the best course of action.

"If one of your friends were available, they could escort me if it is that much of a problem. I'm sure Combeferre or Coirfeyrc or Jehan..."

"Jehan, would you?" Enjolras requested.

"Yes, that would be alright, Enjolras."

"Well then, I guess I'll go find Grantaire." Enjolras stated, grateful to leave the tense atmosphere.

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