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Enjolras first looked in Grantaire's flat for Grantaire, but it was empty except for the many paintings. He bent down to the floor to retrieve a small scrap of newspaper with himself and Grantaire painted on. It showed Grantaire, bottle to his lips, gazing at a man holding a red flag. Although the flag holders face was hidden, Enjolras knew it was supposed to be him. For reasons unknown he pocketed the painting and left Grantaire's flat, prepared to wander the streets to find him.

It was about an hour later when Enjolras began to worry for Grantaire, his final words to him did sound like a goodbye. No... he won't. He wouldn't. Grantaire's still alive and well. But if he's not it's all my fault. Enjolras began to run, and found himself calling Grantaire's name. Think, Enjolras. Think! If he sought to end his life, where could he go? Then a thought struck him and he sprinted to the bridge across the Seine River.


Grantaire sat, precariously balanced, on the bridge's railing. This was not the first time he has sat here and contemplated jumping to his death. I might as well, I have nothing to live for. But Enjolras, what if he really did kiss me back? Maybe he loves me but doesn't now how he should express himself. No, that's ridiculous! Enjolras always knows what to say and how to act. Grantaire sighed and drew back his arm, bottle in hand, and cast the liquor into the river.

He soon became aware that he was not alone on the bridge, footsteps echoed, coming closer and closer. Suddenly, adrenaline rushing, he made up his mind, this was no way to live, Enjolras had Eloise and didn't care about him but as long as he was happy, it was okay. Grantaire took a deep breath, then leaned forward.


Enjolras had just made it to the bridge when he saw a figure siting on the railing, he ran faster and faster. It had to be Grantaire, but why did he throw away his bottle? Enjolras ran faster still. He had just reached him when Grantaire slumped towards the water, ready to fall, but Enjolras could not let that happen. Reaching out, Enjolras grabbed Grantaire and pulled him with all his strength to the other side of the railing, taking his friend's weight upon him as he fell backwards into the stone.

Grantaire, after being yanked back and landing on someone, got up angrily and disappointed that he didn't fall until he saw his savior. Enjolras lied there on the pavement, the only other person on the bridge. Confusion clouded Grantaire's face.

" 'Taire, promise me that you'll never do anything like that again. You scared me."

"Enjolras... I don't understand. I should be dead."

"But I didn't let that happen. I couldn't because... because..."

"Why, Enjolras? Why didn't you let me die?" Enjolras opened his mouth but instead of a reply, a cry escaped him as pain spread like fire across his ribcage. Grantaire's eyes grew wide as he dropped to his knees besides Enjolras. "What's wrong, Enjolras?" When Enjolras went to calm Grantaire, he began to cough, a deep painful cough that splattered blood on his white shirt.

" 'Taire..." More coughs interrupted as Grantaire leaned down and with a grunt scooped Enjolras into his arms. Panic welled up inside Grantaire as he ran a tossed the bridge, racing to find help.

"Hold on, Enjolras, please. I'm taking you back to the cafe." He prayed on the way that Joly would still be there and was able to help Enjolras.


Eloise was just finishing up the last requests in the kitchen when she heard s commotion in the other room. Running to see what was the matter, she saw Grantaire, Enjolras in his arms, not conscience, both with bloop splatters on their clothing. She watched Combeferre and Courfeyrac help lay Enjolras on a table and Joly, medical supplies in hand, hurrying behind.

Grantaire, eyes never leaving Enjolras, ran a dirty hand through his hair, praying to anything he could think of that the one thing he loved wouldn't be taken. Suddenly, he felt a slight push as Eloise made a space for herself besides Enjolras, grasping his hand as Joly began to speak.

"He has a shattered rib that tore a minor blood vessel and is in critical condition, but he will live to see another day." Joly announced as sighs of relief filled the air. "Grantaire, were you there? How did this happen?" Joky questioned.

"It's... it's all my fault. I landed on him after he saved me." Grantaire, fought back tears but one escaped anyways. No more questioned were asked of him.

Joly, Eloise, and Grantaire sat with Enjolras late into the night waiting for him awake. He finally came too a few hours later, wide eyed he surveyed the people above him.

Grantaire watched as Enjolras's eyes found and locked on himself. They stared for a moment before Enjolras moved his hand from Eloise's grip and reached towards Grantaire, shocking them all.

Authors Note:

Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't been too active of late! Please leave comments and let me know what you think! Feedback is always encouraging!


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