Take Your Place

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Grantaire, not quite sure what the appropriate response was, reached for Enjolras's outstretched hand. "It's okay, Enjolras. You saved me, Joly saved you, Eloise is besides you." Doing what he though was the right thing, Grantaire brought Enjolras's hand back to Eloise's. Then with a nod to Joly, he turned and left.

" 'Taire... Stay." Enjolras pleaded, but Grantaire was already out of the door. He turned his attention to Eloise, unsure what he should say. Enjolras felt bad, when he was around Grantaire, Eloise never came to mind, like she didn't exist. Could this mean I love him and not her? But I told Eloise I loved her, how can I break that promise? Am I to be known as a man who half-heartedly claims to be in love? Eloise stroked his forehead as he closed his eyes again, pretending to be asleep on the cafe table. Soon sleep found him and Enjolras sleep long into the next day, Eloise never leaving his side.


Grantaire awoke in the morning and found himself on the floor of his flat, the events of the previous night flooded to him. He remembered that there was supposed to b a rally today, but what would happen without Enjolras? Grantaire decided to see what would occur that day and was out the door in a matter of minutes.

Once he arrived he waited, but saw no Enjolras. Only Combeferre spoke to the people, but the people would not listen. That is when Grantaire made a decision for the one he loved. He upturned an empty barrel and stood on top of it, ready to take his place in the revolution.

"People of France, look down! See how miserable our lives are. Do you want to live like this forever? Or will you stand up and take your place and fight for freedom! The rich blame us, the filthy scum beneath them, but I know better! They're to blame!" Soon Grantaire had captured everyone's attention, even Combeferre had become silent. Is this how Enjolras always feels? Driven by passion an hope? He continued, Enjolras wanted a rally, after all.


With the help of Courfeyrac, Joly brought Enjolras back to his flat after he had woken again. Eloise watched, worrying about her love, doing whatever he could to help him.

Once he was tucked in his bed, Enjolras requested to see Combeferre, whom he knew tried to speak at the rally. Joly and Courfeyrac assured him that they would send Combeferre over right away. They left, leaving Eloise and Enjolras alone.

"I was worried, Enjolras. When Grantaire carried you into the cafe I thought you were dead. Please, don't risk your life like that again."

"Eloise, I had to, without me he could've died. If Grantaire had died... I'm not sure what I would've had left."

"Me. You would've had me. Us. Remember? You said you loved me." Eloise said, trying to hide her hurt.

"Eloise... I know, how unthoughtful, I must've fell harder than I thought." Enjolras didn't want to hurt her, but he found himself thinking fonder of Grantaire everyday.

Thankfully, Combeferre entered, sparing any more moments of awkwardness.

"Enjolras, has news of the rally reached you yet?" Combeferre then quickly added, "Oh, I heard what happened. Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine, in time. Now was the rally a success? Did you speak well?" Enjolras inquired eagerly.

"Yes and no, not really. I couldn't hold the people attention like you are able to."

"Don't be hard on yourself, Combeferre, but tell me, how was the rally a success?"

"You will be quite surprised, it was very odd when he started speaking..."

"Combeferre, who spoke today?"

"Enjolras, Grantaire was at the rally, addressing the people. It was Grantaire who made everything a success."

Enjolras sat in silence for a moment then a soft smile spread across his face. He wasn't sure what to say or how he should react. It was Eloise who interrupted the silence.

"That's wonderful! I am so glad that Grantaire has fully joined the cause!"

Enjolras then made a decision and begun to move, only to be stopped by Eloise and Combeferre.

"Enjolras, where are you trying to go? You do remember that you are supposed to stay in bed for a week, right?" Eloise said, slowly pushing him back to the bed.

"Grantaire... I have to go see him, I must thank him." Enjolras said.

"I'll express your gratitude to him when I see him next. You need rest. I will leave and allow you that.'' Combeferre stated, adjusting his glasses. Then he turned and left the flat.

"No, what I need is to talk to him in person." Enjolras expressed to Eloise.

Eloise slowly stood and grabbed a coat, "I will get him for you. Stay here, relax." She told him and exited into the night.

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