The Talent of Jehan

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When Eloise had returned to Enjolras's flat, she went into the bedroom and put on the dark grey dress which was perfect for work. Leaving the bedroom, she saw Enjolras concentrating on a map spread before him, a stack of pamphlets beside it. The map was of the streets of Paris, marked with black arrows and a red circle around the location of Cafe Musain.

"What's all this?" Eloise asked pulling Enjolras from his trance-like focus.

He hurried to fold up the map but Eloise grabbed a pamphlet before Enjolras snatched them up.

"Uh, well, Eloise this is none of your concern."

"What's les Amis de A B C? Joly said that phrase and its on these too."

"Um, it's, well, it's us at the cafe, in our back room. The boys and I, well, we work towards a better future for France. Don't worry about any of it."

"Why? I want a better future for France too. I worry about the condition of those less fortunate than I."

"We have meetings and discuss, well, freedom."

"So you're a revolutionary. Good God, you're talking about revolution."

"Yes. Revolution is what we believe in. Vive la Republic. Vive la France."

"I... you all are friends, I don't want you to die. Do you know what the punishments are for this treason."

"I know the price for freedom and liberty, I do not fear them."

It was in that moment when Eloise knew he was serious and that it was a real possibility that he could die.



"I just don't want you to die, I want you safe and happy."

"And I want you safe and happy as well and this is the only way to free the people from a tyrant king."

"Well then, what are we waiting for. Let's head to the cafe and prepare to rally the people."


When Eloise entered cafe, she specifically requested to work the back room so she wouldn't miss anything. She found herself enjoying hearing Enjolras, his voice full of passion. His mouth moved swiftly and surely, forming each word with precision, his blue eyes ablaze with fire. Eloise noticed one member of Les Amis not fully focusing on Enjolras, the one called Jehan. He seemed to be wrapped in his writing, a pen frantically moving across his paper.

It seemed that Enjolras took note of this also. "Jehan, what is more important this time? If you are writing about love again..."

"Not this time, Enjolras. You'll be pleased to know this is poetry about France." Jehan said shyly.

Enjolras, clearly intrigued, picked up the paper and began to read aloud. "Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes."

"Well actually, Enjolras," Jehan softly said, "It is supposed to be sung."

"Why don't you sing it for us then? The words are good, very solid memorable."

"I haven't quite made a tune yet but..."

It was at that moment when someone began to play the piano and sing what Jehan had written. All eyes turned and found Grantaire, playing simple, but powerful music and singing this new song.

"Grantaire, I didn't know you played the piano." Enjolras stated.

"There's a good number of things you don't know, Enjolras. You just haven't found out what they are yet. How is that Jehan?"

"Well, that's spectacular Grantaire, now I just have to finish the lyrics." Jehan said with a smile.

"Eloise! Can you be a dear and fetch me some wine."

"That is my job, Grantaire." Eloise replied, turning towards the kitchen.

"Enjolras, is she informed about the revolution? She seems like she knows about all of this." Combeferre questioned.

" 'Ferre, she knows, but rest assured, I won't let her get hurt or be a distraction."

"Good. I wouldn't want the others to lose faith in their leader."

"No, of course not." Would she become a distraction? She is very pretty, he found himself thinking. No, I must be faithful to Patria. But loving her, wouldn't mean loving Patria, homeland, any less. Wait love? Do I love Eloise?

Grantaire's voice pulled Enjolras out of his own mind. "Has dearest Apollo fallen in love? You've been staring at Eloise for quite some time. " He moved his eyebrows for emphasis of his point.

"No more words, you're drunk."

"Only slightly." Grantaire slurred as he turned, only to fall against Joly.

Eloise walked over and stood next to Enjolras, laughing quietly. "Thank you, Enjolras."

"For what?"

"Everything. If you hadn't ran into me, I wouldn't be here, with all of you."

"Well, I'm just glad I meet you." Enjolras said but added quickly, "So I could've helped."

Before she was able to reply, Grantaire called to her again, requesting more alcohol. Enjolras watched her go, wishing she could've stayed by him, just for a moment more.

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