Night Skies

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After Eloise had spoken to Madame Hutcheloup about a job at Café Musain, she began to serve drinks in the front room. Very few people showed up to the cafe at this late hour so the job was easy and the work place was warm.

"Eloise! In the kitchen, dear! I have a task for you!" Madame Hutcheloup called into the front room.

"Coming, Madame Hutcheloup!"

Eloise entered the kitchen, ready to continue her new job. "Bring this bottle to the back room, you'll know who to give it to. Then you are finished for the night. Be back here tomorrow night before five though."

"Yes ma'am." Taking the bottle, Eloise hurried to the back room, entering to noise, chaos, and the boys.

Grantaire ran towards her, "That would be mine, Mademoiselle!" The stench of wine was very prominent. "Oh! It's Eloise!" He exclaimed, pulling her into a clumsy and awkward hug.

"That is enough, Grantaire! Don't make her uncomfortable." Courfeyrac pried Grantaire off of Eloise only to be his next victim. Eloise fought laughter as Grabtaire planted a kiss on Courfeyrac's cheek before he pushed him away.

"Don't laugh, Mademoiselle! Be thankful he didn't smooch you!" Courfeyrac exclaimed. Grantaire, completely unaware that he kissed Courf, contined to chug the bottle of wine.

"Grantaire! Put the bottle down!" Enjolras yelled, coming over to stand by Eloise. "I think it's time you went home."
Taking Grantaire by the arm, Enjolras walked him out of the cafe.

Seeing Enjolras's coat lying on a chair and Grantiare's vest strewn on the floor, Eloise decided to go after the two and return their stuff. With the coat and vest over her arm, she bid farewell to Courfeyrac and left the cafe.

It didn't take Eloise long to see Enjolras and Grantaire walking ahead of her. "Monsieur Enjolras! Grantaire! I have your coat and vest! You left them in the cafe!" The two figures stop turning slightly and waiting for Eloise to reach them.

"Ah, thank you, Mademoiselle." Enjolras replied, taking the clothing from her. They walked in silence for a little while, that is until Granatire began humming a nonsense tune in his drunken state.

"You know, Enjy," Granatire slurred, using a hated nickname, "the night skies sure are beautiful, but nothing compared to you, my Apollo." He began to hum again as I giggled, quite amused by the drunk.

"We are here, at his house." Enjolras indicated to me, turning to a tall building that looked very old. They entered, both helping Grantaire up three flights of stairs to a small door leading to a small flat with nothing more than a cupboard, a wardrobe and a bed. Enjolras led Granatire to the bed, well more like pushed him towards it. They left Grantaire in his bed, still humming as they walked out.

"Now, Mademoiselle-," Enjolras began.

"No, Monsieur, just call me Eloise."

"Only if you call me just Enjolras."

"Alright, just Enjolras."

They both laughed under the stars, walking through the streets of Paris together. Eloise stopped when they reached Enjolras's flat, but was surprised when he kept walking. "Enjolras, where are you going? We've reached your home."

"I was going to walk you to where you are staying. You do have a place to stay the night, don't you?" He asked, turning back towards Eloise.

"Um, yes, Enjolras. I have a safe place just this way." Eloise led the way to her small alley and stopped in front of it. "Goodnight.Thank you for escorting me." Eloise walk a few paces until She found a spot to crouch down and sleep. Eloise had jus closed her eyes when she heard someone sit down, leaning on the wall opposite of her.

Sitting up and looking at who had sat she said, "Enjolras, go home and sleep in your bed. I am fine here, you see. I have your jacket and it is plenty warm."

"I do believe I'll stay here with you because I can't keep a good conscience knowing that I left you here in the cold." Enjolras closes his eyes and leans back against the wall.

"I won't allow it, knowing that it is on behalf that you are sleeping on the streets." Eloise tried to make him leave but he just sat their, ready to sleep.

"Now, Eloise, there is one solution. Accompany me back to my flat. I'll sleep on the floor and you can have the bed in my room. What do you say?"

"No. You get back without me. I won't intrude."

"That is not the correct answer, Eloise. Forgive me, but this is the only solution." With those words Enjolras stood and scooped Eloise into his arms, with much fuss on her part. He carried her back to his flat, a life on the streets had made her light weight so this was not a hard task. Instead of putting her down upon entering the flat, Enjolras brought her to a small room separate from the rest of his home. He dropped her gently on the bed and walked to the door, turning before he left.

"Goodnight, Eloise."

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