What is Love?

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When Enjolras arrived home, he soon realized that Eloise was not there yet and was still working. He immediately felt bad about this and decided to go after her, but Eloise entered at that moment, accompanied by Grantaire. Is it possible she likes him? What do I care if she does? It isn't my place to approve of her choices.

Grantaire greeted Enjolras, "Dearest Apollo, I do hope I brought Eloise back before her curfew. I know she requires much beauty sleep."

"Not as much as you, drunkard." Enjolras irritatedly replied.

"Why, Enjy, you are not saying that you think Eloise is prettier than me?!" Grantaire exclaimed, lazily flopping on arm over Eloise's shoulder.

"I am, Grantaire. Maybe you'd be prettier if you were sober."

"Goodness! That's the kindness thing you've ever said to me, Apollo!"

"Grantaire, of course you're prettier than I." Eloise laughed.

"Nonsense you're both wrong! Eloise is much prettier, maybe even beautiful." Enjolras exclaimed, his face turning red after he realized what he had said.

Eloise and Enjolras grew silent but a sad smile crossed Grantaire's face "See, Enjolras, I told you so! There's a lot of things I know."

"Told him what?" Eloise questioned.

"Enjolras loves you. Maybe even more than he loves Patria. Goodnight, Enjy, Eloise." And leaving them speechless, Grantaire left Enjolras's flat.

"Who's this Patria ?"

"Patria is a metaphor of France, my homeland."

"Oh. So I have competition with a literary device."

"No literary device stands a chance against you."

"So it's true, what he said?"

Enjolras turned his head away, staring at the floor gaining the courage to lift his head again. "Yes, Eloise, I suppose it is true."

A small smile creeped upon Eloise's face. "Well than I guess that it's a good thing that I think I love you too."


When Grantaire had walked out of the flat, he went back to Café Musain to get a drink or seven. I love him. She loves him. He doesn't love me. He loves her. His thoughts tortured him, he was on his own. After he had downed his second bottle, someone else stumbled into the quiet cafe. It was Gavroche, a loaf of bread clasped in one hand.

"Monsieur Grantaire, it's a bit late to be drinking, don't ya think?"

"No little Gavroche, not for me. I am alone in the world and no one cares." He began to laugh, a loud and painful laugh which morphed into tears of agony.

The little boy, not sure what to do, watched the broken drunk for a moment before he slowly patted the grown man's back.

"I just think I love him. No, I know I love him."

"Love who, Monsieur?"

"Apollo, god of everything I am not."

"Enjolras? You love Enjolras?"

"And he will never love me, I am but a drunk, a cynic, a skeptic who stands in his way. Oh Gavroche, what is love?"

"Well, Monsieur Grantaire," Gavroche began, thinking through his words. "Love is when you care for somebody more than yourself and you'd do anything to make them happy and safe."

"Then by your definition, I am in love. Promise you won't tell him! You mustn't!"

"I shan't, Monsieur." And with that the urchin turned and left, leaving Grantaire alone in his misery.


Two hours past midnight, Grantaire stumbled into Enjolras's flat, completely wasted and quite very loud. He tripped over Enjolras who was sleeping on the floor over a few blankets.

"Gah! What in God's name... oh, Grantaire."

"Dearest Apollo, do you still sleep outside your bedroom when your love sleeps in your own bed? Are you two not officially together?"

"Well, not really, but what are you doing here at this hour?"

"Why I came to see the show."

"What show are you referring to, because this is not the Paris Opera House."

"Oh, you know, Enjy, the possible French kissing and all that other fun stuff. I hear that it is patriotic."

"Grantaire, you pervert, leave and be assured that none of that is to occur in my flat."

"Well my door is always open, then!" Grantaire began to laugh, waking Eloise and bringing her out of the bedroom.

"Grantaire, well good morning, I suppose." Eloise stated, giving Enjolras a questioning glance.

"We were just leaving. I will take him home, go back to your dreams, Eloise." Enjolras said, escorting Grantaire out the door.

When Enjolras and Grantaire had reached the apartment, Grantaire collapsed on the floor and began to sob and against Enjolras's better judgement he sat besides him and asked what was wrong.

"Oh you wouldn't understand, Enjolras. You are perfect and loved by those you love unlike this broken drunk."

"Ah, so this is about love. Am I to lose all my friends to women? Marius practically stalks that one girl, Joly loves that other girl and Courf definitely fancies someone."

"You see, Apollo, it is not a girl who breaks my heart so."

"Oh." Enjolras said leaving a momentary silence.

"The one I adore is strong and handsome. He is sunshine in a person, gifted with passion and fire."

"Jehan?!" Enjolras exclaimed, extremely surprised.

"No, indeed not! He does not know how charming he truly is and how terrible he can be."

"Is it Courfeyrac? Marius?"

That is when Grantaire reached for Enjolras's hand and clasped it in his own.
"My dearest, Apollo, I will only ever have eyes for you."

Taken by surprise, Enjolras abruptly stood, and while saying a quick farewell Grantaire, he left. When in the hall, Enjolras closed his eyes and leaned his head on his friend's door. It hurt him to hear Grantaire's pained sobs, but he didn't know how to act, so he decided to tell no one of this night.

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