The Cold of Winter

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Enjolras woke up the next morning, his back slightly sore from a night on the floor, but he didn't complain. Getting up, Enjolras made his way to a small stove in the corner of his flat. Out of a small pantry he got two slices of bread and began to lightly toast them.

A knock was heard on the door, so Enjolras got up and opened it. In front of him stood Gavroche and Courfeyrac, who did not wait for an invitation inside. They both grabbed a chair and sat down as Enjolras got out two more slices of bread for the visitors.

"Good morning, Enjolras! Got any plans today?" Courfeyrac said, cheerful and loud as always.

" 'Cause if yer don't, yer could could come to the book shop with us! Courf is gonna teach me to read!" Gavroche said, sounding very excited and also very loud.

"No, I have no prior engagements, but keep your voices down. I got a guest sleeping in the other room." Enjolras whispered to his friends.

"Grantaire won't hear us! he is still hung over, I'd bet!" Courfeyrac countered, not much quieter than before.

It was at that moment when the slim door to Enjolras's bedroom opened and out came Eloise, her hair messed up from a good nights rest.

"What's she doing here?" Wasn't she at the cafe last night?" Gavroche was quite puzzled as to why a girl would be in Enjolras's flat.

"Oh, Gavroche, you'll understand when you're older," Courfeyrac laughed, "Enjolras, this is quite unexpected, no wonder Granatire didn't stay here last night!"

"Courfeyrac! Of course you think you know every reason why a lady would stay the night at a man's house. Of course you couldn't think of another reason why she would be here!" As soon as the words left Enjolras's mouth, he regretted them. Courf, although constantly flirting, hadn't been with a girl since he had starting looking after Gavroche.

"Come on, Gav, let's go to the book shop." Courfeyrac said solemnly as he got up and left the flat, Gavorche trailing behind.

"I am leaving now. It was my mistake that I stayed last night. I am sorry for tainting your image." With that Eloise, who had gotten quite red in the face, walked out, forgetting to take the coat Enjolras had given her.

Enjolras sat in silence and soon started to smell something burning. He rushed to take the four pieces of now burnt toast off the stove. Sitting by himself, Enjolras began to eat, not wanting to waste the breakfast for four.


Outside it was cold and Eloise instantly regretted leaving Enjolras's coat that he had given to her. She wandered around and soon found herself right in front of Café Musain. Eloise walked in and found Madame Hutcheloup, she asked if she could start work early for a few extra francs. It wasn't like there was much else for her to do.

Soon night fell, and the boys who spent there time in the back room began to file in. Eloise was put to work in the back room, refilling the drinks and bringing small snacks. Enjolras walked in and all eyes turned to him, the talking dulled, the games stopped and all but Granatire stopped drinking. Even Eloise paused to glance at Enjolras, waiting to see if he had something to tell.
In truth, Enjolras had no speech prepared about France, only a sincere apology to Courfeyrac and Eloise. He opened his mouth, not quite sure why there was a shortage of words, but then knew what to say when he looked at Eloise. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, her clothes torn and dirty, her bare arms pale and thin. Eloise did not deserve to live like this in poverty and who's fault was it that her conditions were so poor? The rich.

"People are on the streets as we speak, starving, rotting away, dying! And why? Why does this occur? Blame those who take all the bread for themselves becoming fat in their lavish home, not helping those they could save!" He went on, inspiring all who heard until finally he went silent. Not even Grantaire spoke a word, silence fell over the cafe until one person started clapping. Soon the rest of the cafe began to, agreeing with his words.

Enjolras walked to Courfeyrac and sat down besides him. "Listen, Courfeyrac, I am sorry. Nothing warranted what I had said this morning...''

"It is I who should apologize to you. I did jump to some conclusions and I should have though better of her and thought of how improbable it would have been for you." Courfeyrac said.

"What's that supposed to mean, Courf?" Enjolras quickly asked of the jest.

"He means that you are the pure Apollo whose only lover is Patria. I bet you sleep with a map of France." Grabatire slurred, sauntering over and leaning on the table.

"At least I don't sleep with a wine bottle and wake up not remembering it!" Enjolras countered.

Courfeyrac began to laugh and soon the three were laughing the words of this morning cleared. It was then when Enjolras stood and went searching for Eloise who was no longer ing the back room.

"Madame Hutcheloup, where is Eloise?" Enjolras asked.

"She left a little o'er a half hour ago."

"Thank you, Madame."

With that Enjolras left to find Eloise and he knew where she would be, her alley.


It Enjolras almost an hour of wandering to finally find where she was. The snow had started to fall as he left the cafe and now piled on the streets. Turning into a narrow alley, Enjolras ran to the huddled figure on the ground. It was Eloise, sleeping soundly, too soundly, as snow gathered on and around her.

"Eloise! Wake up! I am going to bring you someplace warmer! Come on Eloise!"
No matter what Enjolras did, she would not wake, so her took his coat, wrapped it around his shoulders and picked her up. He brought he somewhere warm, somewhere that medical attention could be sought.

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