Was My Love A Lie?

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Enjolras awoke, still unsure about whom he loved. Maybe it would be best not to love until the revolution is over, love is a distraction. But love is a beautiful thing and what if I don't succeed? Will I then reach the gates of heaven with no one at my side to hold? His thoughts were ended when Eloise entered his bedroom with a small plate of toast and a glass of water.

"Enjolras, I need to speak with you." Eloise said timidly.

"Um, alright, say what you must, I am here to listen."

"I'm leaving, tonight. I have enough money so I've decided that it would be best to purchase my own flat."

"Oh, Eloise, alright, if you have a place to stay. Where is this place? Is it in a safe area?" Enjolras found himself caught blindly by this news.

"I've found a small flat North of Café Musain on the street that leads to the park. Arrangements have already been made, I've already spoken with the landlord."

"That's a good neighborhood, I suppose. Say, doesn't Combeferre live over that way? I think he does."

"Um, yes. He actually lives in the same building I'm moving into. Combeferre is the one who told me about the vacant flat."

"So you've been talking to him lately, I presume?" Enjolras felt a strange feeling creep over him. Eloise and Combeferre were talking? He helped her get a place to stay? Am I jealous?

"Yeah, I suppose so." Then Eloise gave the plate to Enjolras and exited the room as an awkward silence had just begun to settle.


Enjolras, for the first time in a few days, got up and prepared himself for another meeting and the Café. He put on a clean white shirt and grabbed a simple vest to wear over it. Enjolras left his room and shut his door behind him. He saw that Eloise was placing all her things in a neat pile by the door, ready to be moved. She stood up when she heard him enter, an article of clothing in her hands.

Eloise walked towards Enjolras, holding out a burgundy coat, "This belongs to you. You had given it to me, the day I met you."

"Oh, um, thanks." Enjolras said, taking his coat.

"And here, take this too." Eloise said as she took forty francs out of her pocket, "It's not as much as you gave me, but I'll give you the rest when I get it."

Enjolras pushed her hand away, "No, you don't owe me anything. Keep it, please. I'll still see you around, right?"

"Yes, of course. And thanks again. for everything." And with that Eloise turned and left Enjolras's flat, leaving him alone once again.


Grantaire knocked on the door to Enjolras's flat, expecting Eloise to answer like she always did. When no one came to the door, Grantaire casually picked the lock, careful not to damage it. Upon entering the flat, Grantaire saw Enjolras, sound asleep at the table; piles of pamphlets, maps, and calculations lay before him. Today's newspaper also lay on the table, it read:

General Lamarque Falls Ill
May, 29th, 1832

Grantaire knew that this could be the spark Enjolras needed to begin the full scale revolution and Grantaire wasn't sure if he was ready. Of course he'd do his best and join in Enjolras's forces but he knew he'd fall short and disappoint his leader in red. But no matter what, I'll keep him safe, regardless of who he loves.

It was getting cold so Grantaire lit a few coals in the stove to keep Enjolras warm. Leaving Enjolras to his dreams, Grantaire left the flat and returned to his own, readying himself for revolution at anytime.


Enjolras woke up to a comfy warm flat, but not a very comfortable table. The left side of his face was a shade of red, but Enjolras felt well rested. He gathered his papers into a pile and left for the Cafe, wondering who put the coals in the stove.

When Enjolras entered the Cafe, he realized for the first time that he would truly miss Eloise. Normally she would accompany him to the cafe, but now he walked alone.

"Where's Eloise tonight?" A voice asked from behind Enjolras. He turned to see Grantaire standing in the doorway behind him.

"She moved out this morning, though she'll probably come to work here tonight."

"Oh, I'm sorry hear that." Grantaire was silent for a moment. "So... you two aren't together anymore?"

"You know what, I'm really not sure we ever were. I loved her, I really thought I did. Tell me, Grantaire, was my love a lie?"

"Enjolras, you're the most sincere person I know, I do not doubt that you truly loved Eloise, maybe you still do, and that's okay."

"Grantaire, you're right, thank you my friend, I still do love Eloise." Grantaire felt his heart sink. "But it's a different love than I thought, thank you for helping me sort it out."

"Anything for you, Enjolras." Grantaire said, giving a soft smile to Enjolras. Then, all of a sudden, Enjolras moved closer to Grantaire and embraced him.

Author's Note:

I am really sorry about the long wait for this chapter! I really hope you all enjoy it. Thanks to all the people who are reading this story and especially to those who vote and comment, it means a lot to me!

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