Now I Know

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Enjolras was suddenly overwhelmed by his own thoughts and how clear everything had somehow become. I love both of them, just not in the same way. He took a step towards Grantaire. Now I know, I love Grantaire. Then, as if his actions were predetermined, Enjolras embraced Grantaire.

Grantaire was not sure how to respond to Enjolras's sudden out burst of emotion, so for a moment he stood still, allowing the perfect Apollo to hug him. Then, when his brain decided that this was not simply a figment of his imagination, Grantaire slowly wrapped his own arms around Enjolras.

"Enjolras, I don't think I understand." Grantaire whispered to Enjolras.

"Grantaire, I love you, not just as a friend. I love you, more than I ever could love Eloise." Enjolras whispered in reply.

"Enjolras... I don't know what to say..."

"Then make no sound." Enjolras said softly and then Enjolras leaned closer and kissed Grantaire.

When Enjolras's lips met Grantaire's, Grantaire was again caught off guard but soon found himself leaning closer and returning the kiss. Soon, he found himself short of breath and broke away from Enjolras.

Enjolras was breathing heavily after the kiss and he leaned his forehead against Grantaire and said, in a barely audible voice, "Yes, Grantaire, I love you."


Jehan climbed the stairs up to the back room and, as he was early, expected to be the first one to arrive. When he entered the back room, he was met with the sight of Enjolras and Grantaire, embracing and whispering to each other. Instead of interrupting the two love birds, Jehan slowly turned and descended back down the stairs.

Jehan met Combeferre, Courfeyrac, and Eloise at the entrance to the Cafe and quickly filled them in. Courfeyrac, with a grin, turned towards Combeferre and said, "Looks like you owe me ten francs."


When Enjolras and Grantaire heard people coming up the stairs, they broke apart. Not because they were ashamed, no, but because they didn't want to take away from the purpose of the meeting. After all, now Grantaire was fully committed to the revolution. But, of course, that's what worried Enjolras. If Grantaire is involved, he could be injured or worse...

Enjolras forced his mind to perish the thought for now, focusing on what he would share with the other young men tonight. As more of Les Amis entered Cafe Musain, he stood up straight and projected his voice. "Many of you have heard that General Lamarque is sick and will most likely die before the week's end. This is what we await! The time is upon is to call the people to our aid and show them that they must help us help all the people. I call you stand with me holding our freedom high, like a beacon of hope to all the oppressed! Rise up and take your place! Or are you content to be undermined and unheard, simply a peasant with no food and no voice in society? I am not! It is time those fat cats bit the dust so I say let the revolution take its toll! Who's with me? Who will stand with me?!"

Enjolras made eye contact with Grantaire as he gave a cheer, followed by all the others in the cafe. The cynic no longer seemed as if he believed in hope and the promise of the future.

Grantaire watched as Enjolras turned from him and went to a large table in the corner. He spread out his maps and called Combeferre and Courfeyrc to his side, ready to plan. He's so beautiful, my dear Apollo. And he loves me in return, no one has felt such joy as I.

Jehan took a set next to Grantaire, who was not drinking tonight, unsure how to begin a conversation after what he saw, Jehan said, "So, you look happy tonight, Grantaire."

"Jehan, that is because I am happy, I am the happiest man in the world."

"This doesn't have something to do Enjolras, does it?" Jehan asked, a sly grin creeping across his face.

"Why, Jehan, it has everything to do with him. I am convince the sun rises and sets for him, the whole universe revolves around him. Enjolras is equivalent only to the sun, he is Apollo, my dearest Apollo." Grantaire felt no regret speaking his mind aloud and knew that if anyone would appreciate his thoughts, Jehan would.

"Grantaire, I do believe you are in love and fortunately for you, 'your Apollo' has also been struck by a cherub's arrow.'

And with that Jehan stood and left Grantaire whose eyes remained glued to Enjolras, analyzing his perfection. the only logical explanation for Enjolras was that he was sculpted from the finest marble by God himself and them taken here by the angels to be an example of beauty.

And he choose me. Of all the others in the world, he choose me.

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