A Night With You

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Enjolras held Grantaire's hand as they walked up to the flat. Grantaire thought, not for the time and certainly not the last, the he was the luckiest man in the world. Once in the flat, Enjolras draped both of their jackets over the back of a chair and then decided to light a small fire in the stove.

Grantaire looked around the flat, he had stayed there many times before but this time everything felt different, as if he'd never been there before. He watched Enjolras bend down to light the fire; a warm glow soon shown off his face.

"There we are, now it should be nice and cozy." Enjolras said, standing up after he lit the stove. They stood for a moment, neither of them sure what to do. Then Enjolras broke the silence, "Grantaire, you're..., oh goodness, I 'm so awful at this. Grantaire, you're so beautiful, so handsome."

Grantaire opened his mouth, but wasn't quite sure what to say. He finally spoke and said, "Enjolras, I could never be as beautiful as you."

The space between them seemed to shrink as they both moved closer to each other. It was Enjolras who reached out first, softly placing his hands on Grantaire's face. Then Enjolras leaned closer and pressed his lips upon Grantaire's.

Grantaire responded right away and wrapped his arms around Enjolras, pulling him even closer. It seemed like an eternity, although the passionate kiss couldn't have lasted longer than a few minutes. They both pulled away at the same time, breathing heavily and still holding each other.

"Maybe," Grantaire said between breaths, "we should get ready for bed. It's very late."

"Yes, I suppose it is." Enjolras replied but neither of them moved for a moment.

It was Grantaire who pulled away first, deciding that if he didn't they never would separate, but then again, both of them would be fine with that.

"Where do you want me to sleep?" Grantaire asked, "I can sleep out here..."

"Do you really think I'd let you sleep alone out here? I was thinking we would both sleep in my room..." When Grantaire didn't respond for a moment Enjolras added, "Unless you're not comfortable with that..."

"No, no, that's alright with me, if it's fine with you." Grantaire responded, not believing that any of this was real.

"Of course it is." Enjolras said, taking Grantaire's hand and slowly walking towards his bedroom. Once in the small room, Grantaire wasn't sure what he should do or say, so he simply sat on the edge of the bed.

Enjolras began to undo the buttons of his shirt, preparing himself to sleep. Grantaire couldn't help but stare at the beautiful Apollo and his smooth skin over toned muscles.

Enjolras noticed Grantaire's unblinking glance and asked, "Is this alright? I can put my shirt back on if..."

"No!" Grantaire interrupted, maybe a bit to earnestly. "No, that's alright."

Enjolras sat on the opposite side of the bed and kicked of his shoes, Grantaire did the same. They both laid down next to each other, neither of them sure how to proceed.

"Grantaire, I love you very much." Enjolras said, turning his head towards Grantaire.

Grantaire also turned, but towards Enjolras, and said, "I love you, Enjolras. My beautiful Enjolras." Then Grantaire leaned closer and kissed Enjolras lightly on the nose, then on the lips.

Enjolras reached his bare arms around the back of Grantaire's head ran his hand through the black curly hair. When the kiss was over, Grantaire leaned his head on Enjolras and Enjolras enveloped him in a hug. They fell asleep like that, peaceful and silent, because now they had each other.


Combeferre woke up the next day and readied himself to pay a visit to Enjolras. Although it seemed like Grantaire and Enjolras were together, he wanted to be sure before he asked Eloise of anything.

As Combeferre walked to Enjolras's flat,he realized that it finally seemed like June had arrived, the sun shone and made the streets of Paris warm and welcoming. He approached Enjolras's door and he softly knocked on the door. When no response was heard, he knocked a bit louder and finally let himself in. Enjolras must be sleeping, he thought to himself.

Enjolras was not found in the main room of the flat so Combeferre wandered in further. The bedroom door was open and Combferre peered inwards, not expecting the sight he saw. On the bed was not just Enjolras, but Grantaire as well, both sleeping soundly in each others arms. With a slight smile on his face, Combeferre snuck silently back out of the flat, no longer needing to confirm anything with Enjolras.

As he walked back to his own flat, Combeferre made plans of how to confess his love to Eloise. He settled on taking her to the park for a picnic an then asking her about her feelings, if there were any, towards him.

When he got home he prepared a basket with some simple lunch food. Then he decided it would be best to change into his best vest and a nice cravat. Combeferre even combed out his hair. Now all he had to do was ask Eloise.

Author's Note

Thank you all so much of reading this story, I hope you are all enjoying it! Thanks especially for all the nice comments they are so encouraging!


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