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(Jai POV)

Brian's blue skyline pulls into the driveway of the Toretto house as I continue to work on my 1968 lime green dodge charger. I glance over my shoulder as Brian walks up admiring my handiwork.

"You know J you don't have to do this." Brian lets out with a sigh. "You can back out right now. No harm no foul." I glance at Brian out of the corner of my eye. I shake my head as I put my curly hair in a messy bun. Giving Brian my undivided attention, I finally speak up.

"Look B," I huff. "I know you don't want me to do this, but if I don't try and clear Dom's name who will? And you and I both know Letty's just allowing Dom to spin his wheels and do whatever he wants."

"You don't mean that Jai." Brian says as he shakes his head. "You and I both know that if they could Dom and Letty would be back with you, Mia and me in a heartbeat." I give Brian a deadpanned look as he gives me his best puppy dog eyes. Looking away from Brian I shut the hood of my car and lean against it glancing around at the neighborhood. LA still hasn't changed in all the years I've been here, but the memories I've made here are already tainted.

"Brian...I know you don't understand what completely went down before Letty and a few of the others intercepted Dom from prison, but-"

"Then help me to understand Jai. You, Letty, and Dom were inseparable, what happened?" Brian pleads.

I close my eyes as I try to quell my building frustration.

"Letty and Dom just showed me where their priorities are, alright?! They left me at race wars to go pull a job I begged them not to. And when I got home...everyone besides Mia disappeared, without a trace. I waited two damn months for them to even just let me know they were alive! Only to hear from Mia, that Dom was arrested in Mexico trying to help you clear his name and catch Braga. They didn't even bother to call B. And since they've been on the run I'm torn, I want Dom and Letty both home, but I'm just not sure the love is there anymore."

Brian sighed as he glanced at the ground and towards the other end of the street. "And you're sure you want to go undercover in London? I can call Stasiak, and let him know he needs to find another informant?" I glance up at Brian with a slight smirk ghosting my face. Brian's like the protective older brother I've always wanted but at the same time I don't really need.

"There's no need B, I'll do this without a doubt...but after it's done I'm gone." I state as the sun glows over Brian's newfound fatherly aura. "Just promise me you'll take care of Mia and Jack while I'm gone, Kay?" Brian chuckles as his signature smirk lights up his face. He pulls me into a hug as he whispers the last familiar words I will ever hear him say.

"I promise."


(Brian's POV) (1 year later)

Sighing deeply I run my hands over my face in distress. It's been a year since Stasiak informed me of Jai's death in London. A year since the funeral absolutely tore Mia in two. A year since Dom and Letty temporarily parted ways due to the news. A year that has left the family in absolute shambles.

Here I am now driving through the Canary Islands with Hobbs to inform Dom of the news we have in person. Getting out of the car Hobbs walks up to the front door of a small yellow beach side villa. The villas resides on the outskirts of a small town. With little to no foot traffic, it's essentially easy for Dom to blend in undisturbed. The areas populated with palm trees as the seaside just barely caresses the beach.

Pounding sounds echo throughout the quiet location by Hobbs almost barreling down the front door. The loud contrast of noise effectively knocked me out of my thoughts and let anyone in the surrounding area know we're here. I chuckle to myself, "Always gotta make an entrance." I mutter as Hobbs glanced back at me with a raised eyebrow.

The door opened to reveal a small blond Brazilian woman. Elena I believe Dom told me. Elena quickly ushered us inside as I smiled thankfully. We head up the stairs to a rustic patio covered in earthy tile and tropical plants. I look at Dom standing in the middle of the patio working on a car engine.

Dom breaks the silence with a gruff tone as Hobbs steps forward. "You coming to arrest me, Hobbs?"

"He can't, there's no extradition." Elena interjects.

"I'm not here to arrest you Toretto. I'm here for a job, I even brought O'Conner as a sign of good faith." Hobbs says, as I shake my head lowly at his antics. Hobbs lays the manila folder marked "Jai Parker" besides Dom.

"I'll see you outside Toretto." Hobbs states making his way out of the villa. Great pep talk Hobbs, great pep talk.

"Look Dom, I know you have no reason to believe Hobbs, but you should look at the file. It's about Jai-"

"Jai is dead Brian." Dom states with a slight glare. "Aren't you supposed to be home with Mia and Jack?" I knew it wasn't going to be easy to convince him. Dom pretty much blames himself for what happened to Jai, but I need him to see we have a chance to bring her home.

"Once I got the news about Jai being alive, Mia told me to go to you and bring her home. I'm not just here for her Dom, I'm here to bring our family back. You, me, Jack, Mia, Letty, and Jai; I want us all to be whole again and if anything Jack deserves to know his family. Having the family split the way it has is taking a toll on Mia, she doesn't want to show it, but I know it hurts her."

Dom finally stops working on the engine to look over the folder. He stops on the page where Jai's photo was taken just a few days ago.

"Dom, if that was my husband and I had the chance to bring him back, I would take it without hesitation." Elena speaks up as she gently places her hand on his arm.

"Where is she?" Dom asks as tears fill his eyes.

"In London. Letty's already gone ahead with the team." I state.

"Then let's bring her home."


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So what do you think? I decided to at least post the prologue to hold you all over until I can finish half the book.

I also want to mention that Brian and Mia did not help break Dom out of jail. And Fast 4 in this book was basically Brian trying to help Dom clear his name. So Jai "dies" in between Fast 5 and Fast 6. 👉🏾 (If you haven't watched the movies, you can just ignore this paragraph)👆🏾

Hopefully that makes since, honestly I was kicking myself over this timeline, lol.

And bare with me for updates. I'm on a break from school right now so I will try and get as much done as I can. But I won't be posting until I'm halfway through.

All Love,


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