Chapter 6

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(Dom's POV)

"Hey Dom." Han calls.

Moving away from the orange charger I was modifying, I set my tools down as I got up to meet Han.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I did some checking, and asked around, I got the location of a street race tonight." Han says just before Roman launches Tej's modified harpoon between Han and I. The harpoon hits the wall as I glare in Roman and Tej's direction.

The two begin pointing fingers at each other as Roman tries to play it off.


(Jai's POV)

I drove up to the race in the matte grey charger Deckard gifted me. As he always says if I absolutely have to drive an American car it may as well be in style.

Driving up to the finish line I take a minute to admire London's racing scene. Girl's with barely there clothing dance around to the music as guys with tricked out cars attempt to impress them.

Sending Deckard a quick text letting him know I made it to the race safely, I can't help but smile at his reply.

"Rob 'em blind love <3, Jazzy sends her love too."

Glancing up from the text, the smile I held is wiped off my face as Dominic Toretto pulls up beside me.

Shaking my head to myself I make eye contact with Dom as he gives me a shit eating grin.

"You've got some serious balls, man."

"So I've been told." He replies.

"You can never leave well enough alone, can you?" I ask.

"Not when it involves us." He states.

"There is no us." I reply. "You're lucky I lowered my shot."

"Well, I think you hit your mark." He mused.

"I should've gone for the head." I thought aloud.

"Maybe. I guess well never know." He points out.

"What do you got a death wish or something?" I ask, as I look over with every bit of seriousness.

"If that's what it takes. I just want to race." He answers.

"You might lose your car." I state.

"Let's do it." He agrees.

"Your funeral." I state as I shift gears.

"Ride or die, remember?" He mentions as he watches me from the corner of his eye.

I tsk at him as I watch Rita lineup the race.

Rita starts us off as we speed off into the streets of London.

Shifting gears, I drift into oncoming traffic. I glance in my rearview mirror as I watch Dom trail behind me.

"Kiss my ass, Dom." I smirk as I weave in between traffic.

Dom speeds up driving just beside me. He glances over tauntingly as I roll my eyes at him. Drifting into the round-a-bout I cleanly glide around with Dom right on my heel. The London square is filled with locals and tourists alike as they watch us race by.

Taking a hard left I head down the roadway as the police siren's blare.

The police cars ride Dom's tail, as I glance back.

"Not afraid of a little coppa are you?" I muse as my slight British accent shines through.

Dom and I continue to weave in between traffic as the number of police cars following us grows. Dom speeds in front of me as I ride his tail. He drifts in a circle until he faces me while driving backwards.

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