Chapter 8

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(Jai's POV)

After getting Mia to safety, I waited in the cockpit of the plane. I look down as Owen and his team drive towards us. Reaching over the co-pilot, I pull down the steel lever. The lever clicked into place as alarms sounded, signaling the opening of the cargo hold. As Owen and his team drive in, the plane jolts to the side. I reach over the pilot to steady the plane as alarms blare all throughout the enclosed space.

"What the fuck just happened?" I yell. "We're being pulled down!" The pilot screams as the co-pilot scrambles to steer the plane's wheel.

Scrambling to the door I'm lurched forward as a strong force slams into the cockpit door. Gravity pulls me backwards as my head smacks against the back of the pilot's chair. Pain sears throughout my head, as my ears ring loudly. The blaring sound of silence is all that I can focus on as my vision blurs.

Shakily pulling myself up, I look towards the cockpit as the blood from my head blinds me. Wiping my eyes with my sleeve I try my best to refocus. My vision although hazy comes to. I stare at the sleeve of my blazer as I take note of the large amount of blood that covers it. My head is dizzy as I look to pilots. The co-pilot, that I didn't bother to get the name of, is laying face down on the control panel; very much dead. The pilot on the other hand is looking at me panicked as he tries to steer the plane to safety.

Turning around stumbling to the cockpit door, I slam my hand against it in hopes of Owen or someone hearing me. My hearing slightly comes back as gun shots sound off in the cargo hold.

'I hope I can get out of here soon; Deckard will definitely be less than pleased if I'm late for our anniversary.'

(Mia's POV)

I panic as I watch the fight before me. I sit in the driver's seat of Jai's car as I wait for Brian, Dom, and Letty to get out of the plane in one piece. The plane slowly inches towards the tarmac of the runway. Tej and Roman keep a hold of the steel lines hooked to the plane. A slight banging sound gathers my attention. I swerve a little as I steady the car. Wind blows my hair in every direction as I speed closer to the plane.

Staring long enough into the cargo hold I panic as I realize I can't see Jai. Movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention. I watch in horror as I see Gisele let go of the plane's wing. Without a second thought I speed off from behind the plane in just enough time to catch Gisele by the hood of the mustang.

Reaching out through the window I pull Gisele into the passenger seat as she breathes sporadically. "...Thanks." She replies while desperately catching her breath.

Driving up to the side of the plane I watch as it's close to crashing. Seeing Brian, and Letty jump out of the plane's emergency exit and into Han's car, I look at Dom who still has yet to jump. Hobbs pulls up alongside me as he warns Dom of the plane's descent.

Dom looks back into the plane as I realize he doesn't have the chip with him. Making a split-second decision I yell out to him. "Dom!" His serious gaze shoots towards me and turns into one of worry. "Jai! Jai is on the plane! You can't leave her!" I yell.

I watch as Dom turns around and looks to where the plane's cockpit is. His head glances in two opposite directions, the cockpit or the cargo hold. I realize at this moment that Dom doesn't have enough time to choose both and all I can do is pray that for once in his life he chooses Jai.

The sound of Brian's voice comes through the radio of the walkie talkie. "Mia, Dom's got this covered. He'll save Jai, but we need to pull back the planes about to come down." He coaxes.

My mind is split in two as my heart stammers in my chest. The only thing I care about at this moment is Jai and my brother. I can't lose them both. "Mia, we have to go." Gisele gently whispers as she places her hand comfortingly on my shoulder.

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