Chapter 21

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(Deckard's POV)

All hell has broken loose here in downtown Los Angeles. While Jakande tears up the streets of LA to keep Toretto's team busy, I sit here at the top floor of the car park. As I wait for Toretto to arrive I give a nod to Amina and Owen in the building across the street.

If all else goes wrong they know what to do. Toretto peels around the corner coming to a direct halt facing me. I rev my engine as he revs his in retaliation. Avenging my family is the one reminder that fuels this, everything else is obsolete.

Toretto and I shift gears at the same time as we speed full force into one another. At the last second Toretto plays dirty by lifting the front end of his car into a wheelie. We collide with each other as his car completely over takes the top of mine. He begins shooting the floor of his car piercing through the top of mine. Part of my wheel and the headrest of my seat explode from the force of his shotgun at close range.

I shoot back in defense just as he pulls his car in reverse. I climb out of the front windshield of my now mangled car. Dropping my gun, I grab a piece of metal from the car as I drop down. Standing there I'm met with the barrel end of a shotgun.

I'm not worried in the slightest as I know Dominic Toretto's code will supersede his urge to shoot me at point blank range. "You thought this was gonna be a street fight?" Toretto asks smugly. Quickly Toretto grabs two extra-large wrenches from his Charger. "You're damn right it is!" He exclaims.

Grabbing another piece of metal from my totaled car, I run at Toretto not holding anything back. We clash with one another steel on steel. We swing at each other back and forth, aggressively taking part in a dangerous dance. I go on the offense as I strike at his open center.

He dodges out of the way as he headbutts me in the shoulder. I quickly turn out of the weakening position and hit him in the back of his calf. He yells out in pain as he rolls out of the way. He continues rolling as the steel blades strike through the air.

Dust kicks up as I stab the concrete ground barely missing him.

(Amina's POV)

I watch the fight between Deckard and Toretto from afar. Popcorn in hand I'm thoroughly entertained as Deckard continues to hand Dominic's ass to him. Checking on my cross hack with Ramsey, I chuckle as I notice Jakande destroyed one of the cell towers effectively removing her from the race.

Just as I'm about to tune back into the fight I notice Jakande, aka Cipher's boy toy, being shot at in his helicopter by none other than Hobbs. Well, this just got interesting. The helicopter swerves in and out avoiding the bullets, the helicopter locks onto the scene below as I focus back on Deckard.

Deckard is gaining the upper hand in the fight, effectively demolishing Toretto. It wasn't until the helicopter started to linger on the fight a little too long that made me worry. Jakande launches a missile right at the car park causing me to freeze.

"Oh shit! Owen!" I yell as I watch the missile hit the car park causing major cracks in its foundation. Owen runs into the room as he glances at the now interrupted fight. "Come on, we have to go!" He exclaims. "What?! No but Deckard?!" I question.

"We have our own problems, Amina. Nobody and a team of his goons are downstairs breaching the building as we speak." I panic as I notice black vans parked around the building that I hadn't seen before. I quickly try and pack my things as Owen grabs my arm. "Leave it, you remember the plan, leave it! We have to go now, there's a jet on the roof!" He yells.

As we run to the stairs I look back on my baby that I slaved years of my life making. I was really hoping that we wouldn't have to leave God's Eye, but I'll come back for it eventually.

I always do.

(Deckard's POV)

The missile strikes the car park as a large crack moves throughout the rooftop foundation. The crack surrounds me as I look at Toretto gauging his next move. "Thing about street fights, the streets always win." Toretto boasts as he slams his foot down on the concrete.

The concrete gives way as I fall haphazardly between all four floors of the car park. Bliss surrounds me as I realize that I will now be reunited with my wife again. I tumble through the slabs of concrete as I slide onto a slab that ejects me towards the outside of the crumbling car park.

Hitting the ground into a roll I try my best to limit the damage. Laying on my back I breathe heavily as I try to remain conscious. My phone rings in my jacket pocket. Just barely being able to move my limbs, I grab my phone resisting the pain. Looking onto the cracked screen I stare as I fight back my blurred vision. I try my best to make out the ten digit number as unconsciousness finally takes me.

*** 445-238-8895 ***

(((( Unknown Caller ))))

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Annnnnnd we're done! Phew😮‍💨 I had the energy tuh-day! More like the last three days.

Even though I'm still sick😷

Please show love my commenting. It makes me happy🥳

And what'd you think? Crazy right?!

Fast 7 is finally over!!!!

I'm not gonna lie it was difficult, but we did it. Yay!!!!!

lol I left yall so many Easter eggs for Fast 8.

Anyways, until next time...




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