Chapter 2

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(Jai POV) (Flashback)

The sound of tires screeching and the smell of fuel exhaust fills the air. Music blasts from the speakers as hordes of racers drink and dance the night away. I weave through the crowd and avoid the stares of interested women. I've got to find Dom and make sure Jesse's alright. Moving against the flow of traffic, I bump into a buff dickhead who tries to grab my ass. Spinning around I punched the jerk in the face.

"Watch it!" I yell.

"Woah woah sorry chica, I didn't realize you were Dom's girl." The dude says as he holds his bloody nose.

"Yeah whatever." I sneer.

Looking up from the dude I see the outline of Dom's figure in the distance. I sprint in his direction as I notice him and the crew heading towards their cars. I look to my left to see Mia and Brian bickering about something. I catch up to Dom just before he gets into his car, nearly running right into him.

"Woah baby where's the fire?" Dom asks. I look past him to see Letty already in the car waiting.

"Where are you guys going? We need to find Jesse before Tran does. Come on Dom, how many times I have to say this, leave the damn job alone!" I pleaded to Dom as I hit his chest.

"Jai, babe you know we need this-"

"Like hell we do. We need this job as much as you need a bullet in your head." I shake my head looking past Dom. "Letty...Lett look at me! Are you serious right now? Come on, get out of the car and stop this bullshit." Letty looks at me solemnly as she rolls up her window.

"Jai take Mia and go home. I'm not gonna ask you again Jai, leave." Dom nearly yells at me. I look Dom straight in the eyes, making sure he sees all the hurt he is causing clear as day.

I shake my head in disgust as Dom and the crew drive off.

"Family my ass." I mutter.

Turning quickly I look around for Mia seeing that her and Brian clearly aren't there. I jog to my car and speed off as everyone stares in confusion by all the commotion. Dammit I've gotta find Jesse.


Driving around I spot Jesse just 30 minutes out of LA. I pull on the side of him and motion for him to pull over.

"Jai! Jai...oh God. I'm so sorry Jai, I don't know what I was thinking." Jesse cries as I pull him into my embrace.

"Jesse come on bro, what were you thinking racing Tran for slips?" I ask.

"I know...I made a mistake. You have to help me, please...please?" He sobs.

I quickly glance around in case Tran followed Jesse. I quickly dig through my pocket and take out my keys.

"Jesse take my car and drive home. I'm not asking, I'm telling you. Take the car and lay low at your dad's place until I can sort this shit out." I state as I shove the keys in his hand.

"Ok. What are you gonna do? Dom will be pissed if something happens-"

"Jesse that's not important right now. Give me your keys and go. Go now!" I yell.

I quickly take the keys from Jessie as he hops into my Charger. I stand on the roadside next to his car as I watch him drive off. Content with the amount of distance he's driven I hop into his car and head back to Dom's place.

Pulling onto the side of the street I see Dom with his shotgun as Brian faces off with him. Damn, of course Brian's a cop. Shit, Vince was right. I look over to the porch to see Mia running in Dom's direction.

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