Chapter 11

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(Letty's POV)

The winding roads of the California desert surround us for miles. Dom sits in the driver's seat as we're on our way to meet Leon and a few others at Race Wars. Things haven't been the same since London. Mia won't talk to anyone. The only person that hears from her is Brian obviously, and Tej. The rest of the team decided to go their separate ways, they're pretty pissed about what happened. Even Brian won't look at us the same way. 

This is the first time the family has ever truly broken apart. I mean there was the time when we were on the run after the fiasco in LA, but that was different. And this feels so much worse. No one knows how Jai is doing, and Mia is tearing herself about because of it. Mia's checked out. She won't eat, sleep, she can't even function long enough to take care of the kids. Brian's taken over in her absence, but he's worried. And the kids are sadly suffering in the process.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. She was supposed to come back to us, problem solved. Right? I can't lie to myself any further. I feel like shit. Every night I go to sleep and I see her dead lifeless body all over again. Charred, mangled, disfigured. That's the last time any of us have ever seen her. Dom chose to leave her and yet I now realize that I have been no better. I've allowed him to make the decision, but his decision making has obviously been blinded for some time.

I've allowed him to shoulder everything on his own when this should have been a partnership, not just between us but Jai when she was here. We neglected her. That I can admit. And the cost of our pride and greed cost us her life. For the first time in my life, I truly believe we have lost everything. Losing things didn't matter as long as we had each other, our family, but now we've lost that. We've lost their trust. And now I'm not sure if we can ever fix this.

But how can you fix something without change?

"Lett? You're quiet. What's on your mind?" Dom asks. "We fucked up. There's no question in that. But how many times are we going to keep doing this?"

"Letty, I made the decision to leave her and get the chip. Stop blaming yourself." "Yeah, but I've enabled you. That's where we went wrong the first time isn't it? Dom, I don't want to keep hurting our family." I confess.

"Letty, I know you're upset because Mia's in a bad pla- "It's not just Mia, Dom. It's everyone. Brian won't even speak to us anymore, not really. The rest are angry, and they have every right to be. When are we going to change? When are we going to start doing things right? Isn't that why we wanted to get her back in the first place? Dom, I think we both need time to own up to our actions. I've enabled you through the good and the bad, but me just standing by the sidelines was just as dangerous and hurtful. I should've done more, but I can't take back what's already happened. Dom, all I'm asking is that we take the time to realize where we went wrong and change. You're dependent on me just as I am with you. And we've become unhealthy...I-I want more for us. For our family, but first we need to change, before we hurt and endanger everyone more." I say teary eyed.

"You've really put a lot of thought into this, huh?" He asks. "Yeah, I have, and you should too." "When are you leaving?" Dom questions as he pulls over beside the entrance to Race Wars. "After Race Wars."

(Deckard's POV)

"Daddy, why are you leaving again and not taking meee?!" Jazzy whines. "Because little bird I have business in Los Angeles." "But you already went to Tokeeyo without me." She pouts. Sighing I scoop Jazmine up and sit us both on the living room couch. It's hard being here without her. Everything about our house exudes every inch of her personality. From the panoramic windows to the black and white decorative accents. She would say, "Let me take your masculine persona and mix it with a little bit of chic décor." And yet the house always screamed of her, from her perfume to her endless amounts of stilettos you'll find lying around.

Ever since we met it felt like she was free to become who she was truly comfortable being. Of course, she's always been feisty and tough around the edges, but the more I got to know her the more I realized that her overly tough persona was just her way of protecting herself. And yet even now I feel like I didn't protect her enough. Sitting on the couch I see how much Jazmine continues to resemble her mum. I won't fail to protect my family again.

"Jazmine, I know you don't want me to go. But I won't be able to catch the people that hurt your mum if I don't." "But what if you don't come back?" She asks, and then it hits me. Leaving right now is far more traumatic for them than I realized. They almost lost Jai, and it's scary knowing that there is a possibility they could lose me too. "You won't lose me Jazzy, I promise. I will always come back to you, no matter how long it takes. But I need you to be strong for me, ok?" "Okay. I will be so strong I'll be able to lift cars before you're back!" She exclaims. "Really?! Lift a car?!" I question. "Yup." She says assuredly. "Well then I can't wait to see it." Picking Jazzy up I hug her closely as I spin us around. Our laughter fills the air as today's worries are finally put to rest.


*Knock Knock*

"Come in." Entering the room, I find Dani sitting on her window seat. Sitting across from her she climbs over and curls up next to me. Wrapping my arms around her I take a moment to enjoy the peace in the moment. It's not often Dani will let me hold her. Now that Dani's older, she's in the teen stage of not wanting affection. But the few times she does let me, I never take it for granted. It's crazy just how fast time flies. Dani was once a quiet yet chaotic little bug and now she's a teen.

"I miss mum." She confesses. "I miss her too, bug. I really do." "Remember that time you were showing me how to shoot properly and mum walked in just as I had finally made that head shot on the target?" She laughs. "Oh, I remember. Your mum would let me hear the end of it." I chuckle. "The look on her face was priceless. It was somewhere between shock and bewilderment." She laughs. "Her face was quite funny. I couldn't take her anger seriously after that. She just kept saying how I can't teach a ten-year-old how to shoot, but all I could hear was your giggling from the top of the stairs." "Wait?! You knew I was up there?!" She questioned. "Of course, I did. You've never had a stealthy bone in your body." I confess. "After all these years." She states. I shake my head with amusement. You'd really think with my line of work she'd realize that she can't get anything past me. "Dad, can you promise me one thing before you go?" "What's that bug?"

"Don't Miss."


Long time no see. Thank you guys for your patience.

As of lately I've been really tired due to work and my depression so it's kind of hard to find the time and motivation to write. I know it's kind of short, but hopefully I'll have another update you soon.

Thank you for all the Lovely reads you have given me!

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With Love,



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