Chapter 7

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(Brian's POV)

Stepping out of the elevator, I'm met with greetings of relief and joy. I knew it was a risk heading to LA, but I had to know where I went wrong. Jai fell into the hands of Shaw and that's my fault. Although, Braga did allude to something bigger at play, and I didn't exactly get the answer before I beat the shit out of him. I'm relieved to at least say that I have some of my questions answered.

"You son of a bitch! You made it!" Roman cheered as he greets me. I dab him up as Tej walks over.

"What up man? Good to see you!" Tej greets as I turn to the others. "So, what's going on here?" I ask as I watch them carry their bags to the elevator.

"We figured out they're hitting an army base in Spain. Border patrol ID'ed Shaw's men crossing through last night." Tej explains. "And Jai?" I ask.

"After the race last night?! Naw man not even the cameras have picked up on her signature. As Giselle said, she's a ghost." Tej answered. "Where's Dom and Letty?" I ask.

"Over there, they refused to leave without you." Giselle states.

"Oh, and Tej... I found out what happened to Jai. I should have seen the writing on the wall. I'm sorry man." I apologize to Tej as I remember the words Braga spoke to me.

You think you really know her, huh? You don't realize what you did sending her to Shaw. He show'd her there's more to life than spending time with Toretto's little family. And in return she met someone that neither of us want to look in the eye. Let me give you some advice. Tell your little family to walk away while they're still ahead. Chica's on a killing streak and you're standing in between a loaded gun and a vicious tigre. Now Toretto has put his family in the middle of something you can't even begin to comprehend. The real question you should be asking amigo, is who do you choose to save? Do you save that beautiful girl of yours, your son, or yourself? Once you stick your nose in something you don't understand, there will always be casualties.

"Brian, don't beat yourself up over it man. Everyone knows Jai's a wild card, she has been since she was born. After Dom and Letty fucked things up, I honestly wouldn't expect anything less from her. It's not your fault B, really." Tej assures.

"Yeah, Brian it's not your fault we're all caught up in a real-life game of family feud." Roman teases.

I chuckle to myself as Tej glares in Roman's direction. "Roman, do you ever know when to shut the fuck up?" Tej questions. I walk over to Dom and Letty as Roman and Tej partake in one of their daily arguments.

"Hey, I found out what happened to Jai. Giselle was right she chose this life...but whatever happened between you three pushed her towards it. For years I thought her death was truly on my hands. But now I know... she just wanted an out and I unknowingly gave it to her." I explain.

"Brian, I'm glad you were able to get the closure you needed. But what happened to Jai is on our hands, not yours. I know you think we should let this go, but our business with Jai isn't finished yet, not until our last breath." Letty states.

"You two never did fully explain what happened. Honestly, not even Jai would fully come clean." I ponder.

"We hurt Jai by pushing her aside. Money and racing had become our main priority and because of that we put her in harm's way. She took up for the family when I should've. If my dad was still alive, he'd probably disown me for how I wronged her and left the weight of the family on her shoulders. I allowed this life to become more important than those I love and for that I'll never forgive myself. If I had listened to her that night at race wars maybe things would be different? At this point Brian Letty and I are no longer looking for her forgiveness, we just want her to know that the love we have for her will always be there when she's ready for it." Dom confesses.

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