Chapter 9

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(Jai's POV) (Flashback)

I'm chilling at the old Baldwin Speedway. Racers would come here from all over to make it into the big leagues, and some still do. This particular weekend the track has nothing goin on, which makes it the perfect place for me to crash. This speedway is my go-to spot to getaway, especially since my ma has been on my ass lately. She knows I race; she just doesn't want me to end up like my dad, a dead beat.

I tell her all the time, just because I like to party and race doesn't mean I'm gonna end up bein' anything like him. I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm gonna travel and get away from my mother's judgmental eyes. As I'm sitting in the garage of the stadium's underpass, I hear heavy footsteps coming my way. Out of everybody in LA there's only one other person that would be here. Sipping my beer with my feet propped up on my toolbox I look out to the track as none other than Jack Toretto and his fam come into view. I catch his son's curious gaze as Jack joins me on the raggedy couch.

"You got another beer?" He asks as he looks to the cooler on my left. Leaning over, I grab a Corona knowing that that's the only kind of beer Jack would be interested in.

"What are you doing here kid? Aren't you supposed to be at your graduation?" He asked as concern was etched into his features. "I'm not going. It's not like anyone would be there for me anyway. Moms kicked me out, and because of her the rest of the family won't talk to me." I explain.

Jack sighs as he settles into the couch. "Dom, why don't you and Mia go for a walk." Jack states, not leaving any room for question. I watch out of the corner of my eye as Jack kids head over towards the track. "Spill, what happened?" Jack says. Looking from the track I meet Jack's fatherly gaze. "One of the neighbors ratted on me, told my mom I was kissing some dude at this party. We argued for hours, she just kept saying how she was disappointed in me, and that I'm just like my dad. Told me how she didn't want to be under the same roof as a bum. Funny thing is I'm actually the only one taking care of me, got a job and everything, not that she would care. She doesn't care about the fact that I'm graduating, all she cares about is how much I remind her of him." I explained.

I lowered my gaze as I found the concrete floor to be pretty interesting. "Jai, look at me." Jack softly commanded. I know it's serious when he says my name, usually he just prefers to call me kid. I look up to see tears in his eyes. I've never seen Jack cry; he was never one to show a whole lot of emotion. But today I must be the exception. "Jai, I need you to understand that there is nothing wrong with you. It honestly infuriates me that your mom would do something like that. I can't imagine kicking out any of my kids. They may get on my nerves most of the time, but I still love 'em. You don't deserve to be treated like that and if I knew I wouldn't go to jail I'd probably give her a piece of my mind. Kid, I need you to understand that your're my family and you're always welcome." Jack expresses as he fights the angry tears that threaten to spill.

Without much thought I lunge forward wrapping Jack in a hug. He hugs me back in a tight grip as he tenderly strokes my hair. I cry in relief, letting out all the pain and abandonment I've been feeling for the past week. Breaking from the hug I wipe the tears from my face. "Thank you, Jack. Thank you for being the father I've always wanted."

"No need to thank me. I'll always be here for you, always." He promises. "Speaking of...grab your things. You're living with me from now on. When we get home, put something fancy on, because we are not missing your graduation." Jack states in a warm fatherly tone.

Surprise overcomes me, but I know not to question it. Honestly, all I can be is thankful, without this man I don't know where I would be.


(Dom's POV) (Flashback)

It's been a week since dad had Jai move in, and I can't help but to be fascinated by everything about her. She's effortlessly confident, knows her way around cars, and Mia already sees her like her sister. Looking up from the charger I've been helping my dad fix, I can't help but to watch as Jai and Letty talk back and forth. Those two have been as thick as thieves for days now and I can't deny that they both aren't hot. I wonder how Letty would feel about adding Jai to our relationship? I would obviously date them both, and her and Letty seem to be good enough friends?

I'm pulled out of my trance by my dad's stern voice calling me. I look up to see the unimpressed face of my father. "Take a picture Dominic, it'll last longer." Dad sighs with a shake of his head. "Sorry dad, you wanted the torque wrench, right?" I remember. "I did, but I've already got it now." He states as I look at the wrench in his hand. We both look up as we hear the girl's laughter. Jai, Letty, and Mia are laughing their heads off looking dead at me. Yeah, I'm not living this down anytime soon it appears.

After dad and I finished up outside we all went in and sat down for dinner. Jai and Mia took the time to get takeout as no one really wanted to cook. We all sat at the table, just as we were about to say grace my younger brother Jakob came barreling through the front door. "Hey pops, I'm home!"

"Jakob, what took you so long? You didn't have any trouble with that order, did you?" Dad questions with concern. "Nah pops, the deal went fine. I just made a small stop on the way home is all." Jakob explains as he pats me on the back. He then walks over to Mia and Jai ruffling their hair. "Jakob! Stop!" Mia squeals as Jai chuckles in amusement. Jakob walks up to Letty to do the same, but stops as she glares in his direction. "Don't even try it Jakob." She warns. "Chill woman, I was just going to say hi." He says as he cautiously backs away. "Mmhm, yeah sure." Letty replies.

"What exactly did this stop entail, son?" Dad enquires. "Ah nothing much, just a small business deal." He replies. "This business deal wouldn't have you visiting that government snitch would it?" Dad asks with slight anger in his tone. "Dad, I keep trying to tell you Otto's not a government snitch. He just works for his dad who is a private weapons dealer." Jakob sighs. "And who exactly does his dad sell to?" He questions. "Dad-," "Answer the question Jakob."

Mia, Letty, Jai, and I look down as we eat in discomfort. Every week like clockwork Dad and Jakob get into an argument about the dangerous people Jakob tries to work with. I mean everyone in the streets of LA has an edge to 'em, but Jakob likes to take things a step further by sticking his nose into a business it doesn't belong in. Our family is street knowledgeable, we live and die by it, and everyone on these streets knows anybody connected to the government is not to be trusted.

"Dom, why don't you and the girls eat in the backyard. It should be cool enough out there by now. I need to take a moment to talk with your brother, but we'll be out there in a moment." Dad states. Without question all four of us take our plates and head outside. I just hope Jakob sees reason, before it's too late.


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Thanks for your patience. I've had one too many depressive episodes lately. But I should have Fast 7 up next. Btw, major character development probably won't show until Fast 8. Healing doesn't happen overnight, guys 🤷🏾‍♀️



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