Chapter 15

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(Deckard's POV)

Cool light pours into the master bedroom of our Los Angeles home. The curtains are parted to make way for the beautiful garden scenery below. Aside from our London house this was one of Jai's most treasured places to be. The memories in LA may have stung but the longing of familiarity always stayed with her.

I sit in the mostly new twin armchair. The chair next to me sits empty. The missing presence of its usual occupant screams at me. Her soul, her entire being lingers through every inch of this house. And yet, I sit here coffee in hand as I brood over what is to come.

Toretto and his family want war. I can give them that. I've heard from my inside source that Toretto and his family plan to find God's Eye in hopes of tracking me. It's a funny thought seeing as I'm not hiding and ironic that they spend so much time creating destruction rather than caring for the ones they love.

The only thing I want to be doing is caring for Jai. I want to spend every waking moment at her hospital bedside, but our family needs me. I can't leave the girls fatherless by shutting down, which is why I need to settle this one last score for all of us.

Dani and Jasmine are doing as well as they can be with my mother and brother's supervision. Dani has shut down. I partially expected that, without her mum she's lost. Jai was her guiding light and I struggle to fill those shoes, even in my occasional phone check-ins. Jai's health hasn't improved. The doctor keeps talking about the possibility of removing life support. I refuse to believe that she won't pull through. Jai is a fighter, and she wouldn't want me to fight any less for her.

Looking at my watch I see it's five minutes past one o' clock. It's time for me to finally make things right.


(Letty's POV)

Sitting in the van I watch as we pull into the military grade warehouse. Surely, this is above our pay grade. Stepping out of the van I'm met with a team of familiar faces along with two people I never thought I'd see again.

"Jesse...Leon?" I'm shocked. After race wars I thought the two would be gone for good. Especially after news of Vince's passing in Rio.
"Hey girl, how ya hanging?" Leon said with all the warmth of his usual gruff voice. "I'm as good as I can be. What are you both doing here?" I ask as Jesse hugs me. If it wasn't for Jai we truly would have lost him that day. " I think the better question is where is here? I don't know what you and Dom have been up to but working for the government was not what I pictured." Jesse commented.

"Yeah, wasn't what we pictured either, Einstein." Dom cut in. I go around and greet everyone else as I intentionally stay clear from Dom. Truthfully I wouldn't be here if the two men-in-black didn't insist it had to do with Jai. Brian, Roman, Tej and I are pulled from our conversation of catch up when an unknown man interrupts our conversation.

"If you guys would follow me to our meeting room, I think we have some things in which we need to discuss." Everyone follows him into an expensive looking business office. Half the room is lined in panoramic windows overlooking the building's airplane strip. Looking out the window you see planes, helicopters, and cars galore parked on the tarmac strip. I don't know what this man has to say, but he is definitely putting his money where his mouth is.

" I'm glad you all could make it. Most of you don't know me, my name is Mr. Nobody. And-" "Woah woah woah. So you're telling me your mother just willingly named you nobody?!" Roman questions. Leon leaned over to Brian who sat to his right. "Who is this idiot?" Leon whispered in bewilderment. "That would be Roman, he's just more of a visual thinker." Brian answered. "How does someone have all that forehead and no brain?" Tej questioned aloud. Jesse, Leon, and Tej snickered at Roman's obvious offense.

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