Chapter 13

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(Dom's POV)

Brian and Mia had finally come over after some convincing. Mia was dead set on never speaking to me again, she even had Brian and the kids move out. It was just me now in the house. Letty had gone off to make amends with herself in regards to Jai. And I now had no choice but to face the music.

After looking through old photos of all of us together, it truly hit me how badly I had screwed things up. I can already hear my dad lecturing me from the grave about how we never turn our back on family. My dad was a man of standards. Sadly I haven't done much to live up to the name.

I allowed my greed to blind me, I probably killed Jai, and I ran Jakob and the rest of our family away. Although I never talk about my mom much I know she would be heartbroken by the man I have become.

The Toretto men have always been stubborn but the one thing I can never forget is how she taught us to keep our home from a young age. I know now that the only way through this is by facing the truth no matter how painful.

Now standing before me at the bottom of the front porch steps is Mia, looking just as pissed as ever, while Brian unbuckles Jack from his car seat. I know it's late but I hoped offering dinner would help.

"Mia I know you're angry and you have every right to be. I hurt you and everyone else, especially Jai. I'm not expecting you to forgive me, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I have put us through as a family. If I could go back and apologize to Vince, Jessie, and Leon I would. But I'm here now asking you to give me the chance to change? I love you Mia and I always will. You're my baby sister and family should always come first. From here on out I want to make good on that." I confess.

"You know what Dom, I'm not angry at you. I'm hurt and disappointed. Jai is like a sister to me. She basically is my sister. I trusted you to do right by her and you broke that trust. If anything I'm more angry that after all this time I could have did something to protect her from you and I didn't. At least, not until it was too late." She explains.

" Mia-" I start. "Don't. Don't interrupt me. You need to hear this." Mia interjects.

"If I'm being honest your nephew misses you and so do I. I'm not sure I forgive you just yet. I need you to prove to me that family will be more important than the money or the cars. Family comes first always. I expect you to make that your number one priority if you want my forgiveness."

"I can do that. I give you my word." I say firmly.

Meeting Mia down the steps I open my arms for a hug. Mia walks into my hold with a teary eyed smile. I give her the tightest embrace that I can with hope that my actions will speak louder than my words. The moment is interrupted as a delivery man makes his way towards us.

"Package for Dominic Toretto." I remove myself from the embrace and walk over to the guy. "That would be me." I answer. "Great, I'll just have you sign here and then I'll be on my way."

Signing the pad I wait to give the guy his chart back as he places the medium sized package on the porch. Soon enough the man grabs the chart with a nod and peels off the curb driving down the street.

"What's the package for?" Mia asks curiously. "I'm not sure?" I state as Mia heads back to the van to help Brian.

Within seconds my phone rings an unknown caller ID makes its way on the screen. Not thinking much of it, I answer.

"Dominic Toretto. You don't know me, but you will. I hope you enjoy your last supper." 

The unknown caller says before he abruptly hangs up. I look at my phone in confusion until the faint sound of beeping catches my attention. Looking back towards the package it all clicks.

"Get Down!" I yell as I run towards Mia. A violent explosion rings out behind us. Debris, fire, and smoke fly every which way. Brian quickly looks back, closing the van door to protect Jack as I just barely make it to the ground in time with Mia in my arms.

The world is hazy as my vision blurs. Ringing loudly pierces my ears as I watch Mia run towards Jack and Brian in panic. Gaining my bearings I finally stand up and look at the house.

Every inch of the house is engulfed in flames. Large pieces of burning wood lay in the surrounding areas of the house. The windows of the neighbors houses next to me are shattered, with debris resting on their roofs. Smoke blooms into the atmosphere as it all finally hits me.

Everything is gone. All that's left to wonder is who could be after us now.


(Unknown POV)

"Game on." Cipher smirks.


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