Chapter 4

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(Jai's POV)

The light of my headlights are the only sign of life as I drive into the warehouse. Parking in my usual spot I sit there pondering what's next for us. There's no question that my job just got that much more complicated. I already know Owen's crew is going to be pissed at the new player's...but that's not what bothers me. What is truly bothering me is the position I'm being put in by Dom and Letty. Now more than ever I'm going to have to prove to everyone just how many fucks I give about them.

They've already messed with Cipher's business enough, and when Cipher's pissed, she doesn't give a fuck who dies in the process, but I do. I may not have the same love for them, but the rest of the family doesn't deserve to lose their lives for Dom and Letty's recklessness. Ha, and I'm supposed to be the heartless bitch, right? See this is why you never mix business with family.

(Flashback) (Jai's POV)

Leaning slightly into the side of my Harley Davidson, I finally put the finishing touches of the decals. That took way longer than I wanted but it'll be worth it once I shred the other racers in style.

"Hey J."

Glancing up I see T walk into the Toretto garage. Tej although my cousin has been more like a brother. Being an only child can get lonely and T always made up for it.

"Hey T! Where have you been?" I ask.

"Awww girl, you know those boxes aren't goin to move themselves to Miami." Tej sighs.

"You're still leaving me? Come on T, we're the dynamic duo. There's no me without you." I plead trying to squeeze just the smallest bit of guilt out of him. If I give my best puppy eyes, Tej can never say no.

"Jai, you know my garage isn't going to open itself. I've got big plans to make those Floridians' pockets hurt. You know you can always go with me. We'd be a killer team. Me with the mastermind money making plans and you with the magic vehicle designs, we'd be set for life. We could name it 'The Parker's Garage.' Maybe we could even get picked on one of those fancy shmancy shows, 'The Parker's take Miami.' We'd be unstoppable girl!" Tej muses excitedly.

I chuckle at the thought...but then I remember Letty and Dom. Would they understand if I went to Miami with Tej? I mean if it blows up enough Tej and I could open up a chain of these bad boys.

"Aw I don't know T, I wanna accept, but what would Dom and Let think?" I question.

"J, come on girl you know they have their own stuff going for them. If they truly love you, they'll understand; but J you need to think about you for once. You're so concerned about them I think you forget to think about yourself. Jai, can I be honest with you?"

"Yeah, go ahead, T." Getting up I follow Tej over to the couch. Sitting down I look at the concern etched on his face. The one thing I'll always listen to is Tej's advice, I know he'll always have my back.

"Jai, has it ever occurred to you that your relationship with them just isn't healthy. I mean their family, but you need someone that's going to put you first. J, listen to me, okay? I don't want you getting hurt. You need to be with someone that's going to better you, not have you losing yourself in them. Just think about it, ok? You'll always have a place in Miami with me, all you've gotta do is call."

"Thank you, T. I'll definitely think about it, besides you know one way or another I'm gettin to Miami. Love you T."

"I love you too, baby girl." Tej whispers as we hug.

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