Chapter 18

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(Dom's POV)

"Hey Dom, our Egyptian beauty is finally waking up!" Roman announces.

"Would you bloody shut up?!" Amina yells as she throws her other shoe at him. "Ow! She just hit me in the face with a sandal?!"

"You'll be okay Roman." Leon assures. "Why is she so violent?! Woman, we just saved your life!" Roman questions as he hides beside Brian.

"I didn't want saving thank you very much. Now where's that bald asshole?" Amina grumbles. "Ah, there he is." She exclaims as I walk back up the dock towards the team. Before I can say anything Brian cuts me off with a nod.

"How are you feeling? Any dizziness or nausea?" He questions. "No, not really." She confirms. "Good if you feel anything of the sort let me know." Amina gives a thumbs up as she sits more comfortably on the bench.

Her hair is a little frazzled as she holds her head in her hand. She's missing both sandals now, but other than that she's alive.

"Woah, she's hot." Jesse states unknowingly as we all glance back at him. "Well my boy does have a point. It takes fine to know fine. You feel me?" Roman agrees as he and Jesse dab it up.

"Well thank you for the compliments, love, but I'm taken. And if my man were here he'd surely put a bullet in your heads." Amina smirks as Roman and Jesse's expressions fall.

"Alright, let's get to the point since we don't have a lot of time left. Where's God's Eye?" Brian asks.

"It's with a friend. You think I keep that type of tech on me?!" "Well that was easy." Tej states.

"Yeah, too easy. What's the catch?" Letty suspects. "No catch. You want God's Eye and I wanted away from Cipher. It's a win-win." Amina smiles. "That's not what you were saying when I found you." I argue.

"Look baldy, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Let's let bygones be bygones and move on yeah? Great! I'm so glad we came to a conclusion! Jafar, currently resides in Abu Dhabi, who's driving?" Amina asks as she heads to the cars.

"That would be me madam." Roman agrees. "Oh you really do have a death wish." Amina comments.

I walk up beside Letty as she watches Roman open the passenger door for Amina. "I don't trust her." I acknowledge. "Neither do I." Letty agrees.


(Dom's POV)

Currently the team is resting up on one of Mr. Nobody's jets. We have a few hours before touchdown in Abu Dhabi and we're all trying to make the most of it.

Roman and Tej are tuning up their cars as Leon and Jesse stand nearby. Letty is catching up with all four boys as Brian stands off to the side monitoring a handcuffed Amina. Brian continues to talk animatedly as he video calls with Mia and baby Jack.

I quietly walk over to the group as Tej turns my way.

"Hey Tej, can we talk?" I ask. "Uh yeah, sure." He answers. We walk to an area filled with crates and nailed down luxury chairs. Taking a seat, I wait until I have Tej's undivided attention.

"I know for damn sure this conversation isn't about our new stowaway, because if it was, we wouldn't be all the way over here. So what's up?" Tej asked curiously. Sighing, I let down my guard. I allowed Tej to see every bit of remorse I have felt. And it was at that moment he knew what the conversation was about.

"Look Dom"—

"Please hear me out for a moment. I know I am the last person you'd ever want to talk to and I don't blame you. I'm sorry for everything, I put you and Jai through. I'm sorry for allowing my greed to take her away from this world. I'm not asking you to forgive me because forgiveness is earned not given. But I am asking that one day I hope this family, our team can be whole again." I sniffle as I try to hold the little control I have over my composure.

"You know Jai loved you, right? Even when you didn't deserve her love, she gave it. I didn't see what specifically happened between you two, but I saw enough. You don't realize how much it hurt to see her stretch herself thin over you. There were times when she wouldn't eat and barely slept worried about you and what trouble you were getting into.

Letty was no better. You both had her tearing herself apart. You didn't see the depression, the doubts, the moments where she felt unloved and not good enough. You didn't see the times I tried talking her down from the ledge. The moments where she would have her stuff packed up ready to run away, and I would come in and assure her that I loved her and supported her no matter what.

I may have only gotten Jai back for so many years after my horrible aunt ran her away, but those years were the closest we had been in a long time. That London mission should have been the mission to reconcile everything. I would have gotten her back after losing her for the second time.

But you had finally broken the camel's back, and we all had to suffer for that. And now she's dead. I'll never get the chance to have my little cousin back. It's not that I don't want to talk to you.

It's the fact that I can't look at you without wanting to punch you in the face. And I really really want to, but I know my cousin wouldn't want that. She would rather us move on and live our lives. Especially since that was something she couldn't do. Am I angry at you? Hell yeah I am. But I'd rather move on for the sake of the team and my own sanity." Tej confesses.

"She was that unhappy? Did I really bring her that much pain?" I asked. Tej looked at me in pity. "You left her to be thrown out of a plane. If that doesn't answer your question I don't know what will." Tej got up from his seat and sent a small timid half smile my way before he left.


(Dom's POV) (Abu Dhabi)

It's almost 100 degrees out here. Sweat drips down my back as I bask in the shade underneath our tent. The beach surprisingly isn't crowded, even though it's mid-day. The crystal blue water flows back and forth, just barely kissing the shoreline. Amina runs around in the water as she tries to get Roman and Jesse to leave her be. Those two are definitely obsessed with her in the most unhealthy way.

"Look at those two, it's as if they have stocker eyes." Letty comments as she sits in my lap. "They definitely look like psychos, that's for sure!" Leon agrees, causing all of us to break out in laughter. I lean back into the lounge as Letty follows suit. Taking a quick sip of her Corona she lays her head back on my bare chest.

I can't help but to admire her. The way the skinny two piece material hugs every curve of her body. It reminds me of how much I need to appreciate her more. Not just for her body but for her love and unwavering loyalty.

It seems that since my talk with Tej she's become a bit more trusting of me again. With the sign of Letty's closeness the team is slowly but surely doing the same.

Looking out onto the desert paradise it feels as if we are all finally getting the chance to heal.




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