Chapter 19

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(Amina's POV)

After being terrorized by those imbeciles I finally get a reprieve. I sit under the cabana as I sip on a cool glass of lemonade. The back of my head is continuously scrutinized as Mr. and Mrs. Alpha watch me like a hawk. You would think they'd actually take the time to enjoy this moment of peace. Not!

Out of the corner of my eye I spot Jafar walking our way with none other than my completely unclaimed half sister. Great. She's come to spoil all my fun...

"Jafar! I'm so glad you made it!" I exclaim as I get up to greet him with a hug. My smile is sickeningly sweet as I try to hide my displeasure. My 'entourage' gets up beside me with the arrival of new faces. Awe, it's almost like they were born to be grumpy lap dogs.

"Jafar it would have been preferable if you could have left the stray at home. Oh and this is Ramsey, the mistake. But you guys can also call her bitch or Bian-" "Alright! Ramsey is just fine actually. Would you like to explain why Jafar called me saying that you want the speed drive?" Ramsey interrupts as Jafar looks increasingly uncomfortable.

"We need the program Amina created in order to find a man who's been hunting down our family." Brian answers. "Amina didn't just create God's Eye, we both created it together. She is my half sister after all." Ramsey argues.

"We'll either way we're gonna need it." Letty intervenes. "We don't have it." Jafar finally speaks up. Letty chuckles as she shakes her head, "you hear that." "What do you mean you don't have it!" I yell furiously as I step forward and slap Ramsey. "What'd you do with it? Tell me or I'll slice his throat!" I yell as I grab Jafar and place my pocket knife to his throat.

I know Ramsey, she has a soft spot for Jafar, she would never let me hurt him. But everyone else tenses as they watch my every move. Brian goes to reach for his gun as I pull the knife firmly up against Jafar's neck. "Grab that gun and he dies." I promise.

"Hold on! Just wait, ok Amina? We stowed it away in a car and sold it after you left. I didn't want to risk it getting into the wrong hands." Ramsey explains. "You mean my hands?" I question sarcastically.

"I...I know where is. It was sold to the Prince. You know him, he lives in the famous sky-scraper, top floor penthouse." Jafar spills in fear of his own life. "Jafar!" Ramsey whines. "What?! Would you like me to die instead?!" Jafar bellows.

"You mean Abu Dhabi's tallest building? The one that is impossible to step foot in uninvited?!" I seethe. "Yeah, that's it!" He exclaims. I roughly let Jafar go as I barely nick the skin of his throat.

"Let's go. I know how to get us inside." I state as I grab my wrap and head towards the car. "Wait! You're not going without me, Amina!" Ramsey states. "Whatever." I wave her away as I wait for the other to join us.


(Amina's POV)

It's the night before the Toretto crew attempts to steal the speed drive back from the Prince, and everyone is sound asleep. Everyone but me that is. During my little moment of almost killing Jafar, I was able to steal the one thing I needed...his cellphone.

I've been up almost all night texting both Deckard and Owen in an encrypted group chat. After spending a half an hour debating the pros and cons, we decided not to wait for Toretto to make his move and make one before him.

Slipping out of my handcuffs, I gently get up out of bed and creep across the room. For some insane reason everyone decided I would be better off rooming with Ramsey. I guess they thought wrongly I was less likely to attempt murder. Grabbing her bag of clothes and discarding most of her tech, I pack up a few of the hotel's soaps and slip out the door.

Racing down the luxurious marble staircase, I dart outside to Owen's awaiting car. I hop into the backseat as Deckard occupies the passenger. Without cue Owen takes off to head towards the Prince's penthouse apartment.

Rather creating a ruckus we thought it better to just quietly walk right in. The Prince is conveniently out for dinner with his family and many bodyguards. So all I need to do is hack the security system, while Deckard slips in and out with the speed drive.

A few minutes later we pulled up a block away from the apartment complex. I went in and put all three buildings security systems on a loop as Deckard and I walked right past the occupied security guard. Apparently, sports is the best distraction a person could have.

Making our way to the 100th floor I ready the forged keycard. "Amina, don't forget the plan we get in and out, no distractions." Deckard reminds me. "You have no faith, even Jai had more trust in me than that." I pout. "Listen to Deckard, love. This goes according to plan and I'll buy you that emerald jewelry set you wanted." Owen bribes.

"Oooo, you're the best baby. I'll be on my most flawless behavior, I promise!" I squeal. "You two make me sick." Deckard groans. The elevator ding chimes into the silence of the penthouse. The dark open concept apartment contrasts greatly with the low moody shine of the moon.

Silent steps are heard as we both cross the open foyer. Platforms parallel both sides of the living space as it lifelessly waits for the Prince's upcoming party tomorrow. Making our way over to the Prince's vault doors that stretch the width of a garage, I take my key card and swipe in on the panel.

Deckard readies his tools as the vault doors click with a ding. The panel turns a bright green as the doors lift to reveal a limited edition red Lykan Hypersport. "Well at least they had decent enough taste to stow my baby in a limited edition car." I comment.

Deckard hums in response as he heads to the driver side. I remotely hack into the car and unlock it, disabling its factory made security system. Deckard opens the door with his gloved hand and reaches into the center console. Lifting the lining of the center console Deckard reaches in and pulls the speed drive out.

Putting everything back together, he closes the door while I remotely lock everything back. Making our way out of the apartment we take the elevator to the second floor and follow the stairs to the back entrance of the apartment complex. Owen waits for us with the car ready as we hop in.

Just before Owen pulls off I close and lock the vault and apartment remotely. Once we've gotten a block away from the apartment buildings I back out of the security systems and resume the cameras as if they were never tampered.

"Well now that that's done, where to next ducky?" I ask Owen. "We're headed to London, we can't miss Jazzy's seventh birthday." Deckard answered.




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