Chapter 3

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(Jai's POV)

I get up gently from laying in Deckard's bed and look at the clock. 4:00 Am. Silently I grab my robe and close his door heading towards the kitchen. I pour myself a small cup of fresh coffee as it appears I won't be getting anymore sleep. Sitting in the black lounge chair, I look at the lights surrounding London. The Big Ben shines just in the distance. Sighing to myself, I sip my coffee. It has now been a year since I allowed Owen to do the honors of faking my death. Cipher needed me permanently off grid while I surveyed the various teams she had in play across the world.

When I stated I would be faking my death to get away from Stasiak and to work for Cipher full time Owen jumped at the chance. Owen Shaw has always been one for dramatics. Thankfully, I'll be able to take a small break after I check on things in New York. It's been quite interesting working for Cipher although I don't mind it, she pays well. But Dom bringing Letty and the family into this throws a wrench into things. It's a wrench I can handle no doubt, but my main concern is hurting Brian and Mia. I have no problem with Dom and Letty feeling the sting of betrayal I have felt for so long, but the last thing I want is Mia, Brian, or Jack being in the middle of it.

Sighing once again I run my hands through my hair in frustration. "Something on your mind, love?" Deckard asks as he wraps his arms around me. I take a moment to reply as I snuggle into his embrace.

"It's just work, Dom and Letty are here. I really didn't want to have to deal with them. The whole point of faking my death was to permanently remove them from my life. Yet, they can't seem to take a hint."

"You want me to deal with the wankers?" He asks.

"No Decks it's alright, I know you're busy. Besides, if anyone is to deal with them it'll be me." I smirk.

"Mhhh alright, I just don't want to see you frustrated about it. They've already caused you enough pain, so just say the word love, and they'll wish they were never born." I chuckle at Decks somewhat harmless threats.

"Thank you, Decks. Oh, by the way after Owen finishes this job for Cipher I'm going to have to go to New York for a small minute. Do you want to go as a many vacation or holiday of sorts?" I ask.

"Sure, I don't see why not. I'm not fond of you working for Cipher, but if you're happy that's all that matters. Although Owen working for Cipher I could care less. My brother wouldn't listen to a word I say even if his tail was on fire." He chuckles as I laugh with him.

"I love you Decks."

"I love you too Ji-ji." Deckard mumbles as he places a loving kiss on my lips.


(Brian's POV)

"This is Crazy! We are not in Brazil." Roman exclaims as he paces the teams' hideout. "So now we got cars flying in the air, on some double o' seven type shit!"

Han, Giselle, and Tej watch Roman as he continues to rant. "This is not what we do!" Roman complains.

"Man, you really gotta check that emotion." Tej remarks. "Your voice just went from Shaggy to Scooby Doo. This is not what we- rooOooooh."

"See, man, when a women starts shooting at you, that's a clear sign to back the fuck off!" Roman Yells. "We need to get the hell out of dodge!"

Tej glares at Roman from the corner of his eyes. "First of all, that woman is my cousin. Second of all, she has a name. Quite frankly we wouldn't be in this mess if two somebody's hadn't fucked up. Jai is not the forgiving type, man."

Roman rolls his eyes at Tej as he rubs his head. "That could've been my forehead man!"

Tej narrows his eyes as he looks at Roman. "Nah, that's not as big as your forehead."

Han and Giselle chuckle silently as Roman continues to rub his head anxiously. Walking away from Romans' antics I stand over by the window as I talk to Mia. Having to confirm to her that Jai is alive is bittersweet. I'm happy to finally be able to give her good news, but it's difficult having to explain how Jai's not too keen on coming home.

"Brian, Jai's alive, that's all that matters. We have her back, but I can tell you're not telling me something." Mia mentions.

"It's complicated." I sigh. "Jai made sure to send Letty and Dom a message, she doesn't want to be found. I'm just not sure either of them are going to accept that."

"Do you need me to come out there? I can always ask Elena to watch Jack."

"No, it's better you stay where you are. Things are starting to get messy and I don't want you in the middle of it, but eventually we may need you to talk to Jai. You two have always had this sisterly bond."

"Ok just keep me updated and watch each other's backs out there. How's Tej?" Mia asks.

"Eh, he's dealing with it just like the rest of us. Although I know he's irritated with how things went between those three, I think he's just more relieved that she's alive."

Mia and I talk for a little while longer until she has to put Jack to bed. Hanging up the phone I look over towards Letty and Dom. Letty is helping Dom patch up the gunshot wound Jai gave him. Walking over I observe the two together. The love between the two is strong and palpable. A look of remorse covers both of their faces. Jai was their other piece. Somehow, she managed to balance them both out, even with Dom's reckless habits and Letty's stubborn nature.

I just wish they had of saw how good they had it. They took Jai for granted, and I should know what that looks like. It was only a few years back when I revealed to Mia, I was a cop. I'm honestly lucky she forgave me after five whole years, but sadly I don't think it's going to be as straightforward with Jai.

"So, she definitely saw it was both of you?" I question as I stand before them both.

"She looked dead at us Brian." Letty states with a tilt of her head. "She saw us and still didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. The look she gave us was so cold. She looked nothing like the Jai we knew."

"Letty, don't say that." Dom interrupts. "Oh, come on Dom, she wants us dead. That much is apparent." Letty says as she shakes her head.

"Look guys there's no use in arguing. Jai's family, at least let's try to talk to her and see where her head is at." I state.

"Brian's right, the least we can do is get her alone and talk to her. Don't be so quick to give up on her Letty. You wouldn't give up on me as easily, at least give her the same respect."

"Fine, all I'm saying is she doesn't seem to be in a talking mood." Letty says as she walks over towards the others.

Sighing Dom looks at me conflicted. "After witnessing Jai shoot me, Letty's ready to give up on her. Where'd we go wrong Brian?"

"Letty's just upset is all and Jai feels betrayed. She loved you both equally and you left her fighting for her life. And even after you both were on the run you never stopped to call her or even tell her you loved her. You've both given her plenty of reasons to leave and never look back." I say as Dom looks down solemnly. "But if it's worth anything I believe you all still love one another. The three of you just need time to heal."


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