Chapter 16

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(Letty's POV)

"Man, this is crazy. But I got it. So Tej just said that the hospital turned military base is at the top of the mountain. We know there's only one road going in and out. Both entrances on either side of the road are blocked and heavily guarded, so why don't we just skip all of that shit and drop in here." Roman explained as we looked at the map showing the narrow mountainside base.

"Here? There's no way we can just hit here without getting noticed?!" One of Nobody's guards argued. "Whoa, hold on. I think Roman actually has a point." Tej chimed in.

Standing next to Mr Nobody I noticed him constantly training his new right hand man. "Now watch this, this is where the magic happens." Nobody whispers to his trainee.

"In order to hit in this exact location we would need to move undetected. The hospital is positioned in such a way that we would only be able to hit it by air."

"We can handle that," Nobody stepped in, " all you guys need to worry about is not getting caught." "Which means we not only need to be fast but agile." Brian commented. "Yeah, but once we get the girl how do we get out?" Leon questioned.

"I don't know, but this sounds like a giant game of capture the flag to me." Jesse mentioned.

"Actually Jesse and Leon have a point. If Dom gets our hacker and gives chase, that gives the rest of us a window to leave through the entrance on the right side of the mountain-" Brian plans, "and all Dom would need is a sturdy enough car to drive down the mountain in one piece." Tej finished.

"You guys seem real excited to launch me off the side of a cliff." Dom stated. "Oh we are!" Tej and Roman agreed.

"Exactly what is the name of this hacker we're saving again?" I asked.

"Amina...Amina Sahara." Nobody answered.


(Letty POV)

"Brian? How are you with all of this? Especially with Giselle being understandably out." I ask.

Brian sighed heavily as he took a seat atop the hood of the dodge charger he was modding. "It's difficult seeing the team at odds, but I also understand why everyone feels the way they do. It takes time to forgive and heal. I just hope these differences don't end up getting one of us killed in the end." Brian confessed.

"Yeah I get it. I think I'm more upset about the fact that we aren't taking time to be here for everyone, like Giselle, Mia, and Tej. Han just died and yet we aren't supporting her. Mia is raising Jack on her own in a foreign home. Mia should be home at 1321, with you, and not worrying about the fact that you're halfway across the world. Tej shouldn't have to be mourning his cousin alone. Even though they may have lost touch, Jai was still family, his family. Now, none of us knows what's going on with her." I expressed.

" I get what you're saying. As a family we are highly dysfunctional, we're so busy out running our demons that it's taking away from what truly matters. How are you and Dom, especially with Elena being in the picture?" Brian asks.

"As crazy as it sounds, the only person I was willing to share Dom with was Jai. But I've got to respect Elena for holding him down. She had more control over his crazy impulses than Jai or I ever did. But Dom and I, we're ok. I'm not really speaking to him but I honestly don't have anything more to say. If Elena wants him she can keep him, for now I just need to get my head on straight, Brian." I explained.

"Hey, whatever you're feeling you have a right to feel it. Just give yourself time." Brian comforted as he brought me into a side hug.

After all this time of searching, repenting, and feeling nothing short of guilt; this is what I needed, a moment to sit with my loved ones and work on making peace with my past.

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