Chapter 12

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(Brian's POV)

I stare determinedly at the space in front of me. A lot of things have changed since London, but one thing always remains the same. The long agonizing moments it takes for the car in front of me to leave from dropping their kid off to school.
Finally! I pull forward and put the van in park.
"Alright, we made it Jack." I announce. "Yeah! We made it!" Jack says with enthusiasm. Another day of the same old routine. Dropping Jack off to school, and the agonizing six hours in between. Mia heads to the hospital for her shift and I...well, wait. Maybe sip a Corona, tune up my skyline, clean up the house here and there, and then pick Jack up from School, again.

Who would have known how fast my life would change. I love my family and would do anything for them, but this slow paced life isn't quite what I had in mind. The aftermath of bringing Jai home isn't what I had in mind either. Everyone is on edge and at odds. The guilt Mia and I feel is still there. We realized we should've done more, that things would be far different if we were more attentive.

We should have intervened and made Jai focus on herself and her happiness, but we didn't. Maybe one day I'll have a chance to tell her how sorry I am. But for now life goes on.

"Hey buddy, where's the door button at?" I ask. Jack's teacher walks up with a smile and presses the button above the dashboard. "Ah, that's where it is. I'm new to this."

"Yeah, you don't seem like the minivan type." She says with a chuckle. She scoops jack up into her arms and starts to close the van door. "Buddy wait, can I have a hi-five for the road?" I reach out the door as Jack proudly meets the hi-five half way. His teacher closes the door and she stops for a minute with a little pity in her eyes. "Don't worry you'll get used to it eventually." I watch as she heads inside with Jack.

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of." I sigh.

(DSS- LA Division) (3rd POV)

It's late into the evening as Hobbs is sitting down filing paperwork in his office. Elena quietly walks to the office doorway as Hobbs looks up.

"You're disappointed, aren't you?" Elena asks. Hobbs frowns as he gives her his full attention. "What are you talking about?" "The last arrest. The target didn't even run. It was far too easy." She explains. "Ah, it's ok. It gives me time to hit the iron, and work on my stamping skills." He compromises.

A cheeky grin spreads wide onto Elena's face. "You're a terrible liar, Hobbs. See you tomorrow boss. Don't stay too late!" She calls out as she walks in the direction of the elevator. "I'll stay as long as I want, woman!" He calls back.

Elena chuckles, "I knew you would say that."
After Elena left Hobbs quickly realized that he forgot the letter of recommendation he wrote for her. In walking back to his office Hobbs finds someone  sitting at his desk.

In checking his side he quickly realizes that he left his sidearm holstered in his office. In a moment of thought Hobbs decides to play it cool.
Hobbs clears his throat in hopes to get the man's attention.

" Just one sec." The man pauses holding his index finger with unyielding authority.

Taken aback, Hobbs steps closer to the puzzling yet ornery figure. "You sure as hell ain't the IT guy, so you better start talking before I break that finger six different ways and stick it right where the sun doesn't shine." Hobbs threatens.

"Agent Hobbs, right?" The man asks.

"That's right. I'm also the last man on earth whose computer you want to be hacking into. You just earned yourself a dance with the devil, boy. You're under arrest."

"I don't care about your computer, I'm here for the team that nearly killed my wife and brother." The man stated nonchalantly.

"There ain't no team. It was just one man, and he's standing right in front of you." Hobbs intervened. The man let out an unimpressed sigh as he took his flash drive and removed it from the computer port.

"The lady was right, you are a terrible liar." The man, Deckard Shaw, confessed.

A fight between the two ensued. Shaw flips over the desk and strikes Hobbs while he's caught off guard. Punches are thrown back and forth as Hobbs headbutts Shaw and slams him into the office's glass coffee table.

Shaw quickly picks up the glass and slices at Hobbs thigh. Shaw then rolls and ducks towards the other side of the room. In Hobbs' fallen state he notices a gun under one of the office desks. He picks it up and starts to shoot as Shaw darts away.
"Hobbs!" Elena calls as she runs back into the office. In Hobbs' moment of distraction Shaw detonates a quick flash grenade and throws it in the officers' direction. The grenade beeps rapidly as it counts down.

"Elena!" Hobbs, hearing the rapid beeping jumps in front of Elena and shields her from the blast. The force of the blast tosses both Hobbs and Elena out the window of the building.
Once the explosion stops Deckard comes out from behind the desk that was shielding him and exits the building.

Deckard hops into his Ashton Martin and drives through the LA traffic to one of the locations from the flashdrive. A cemetery. But not just any cemetery. Getting out of the car Deckard takes the small trek up the hill and stops in front of her headstone.
                                Jai Parker

Deckard looked onto her grave in sadness and anger. With his mind made up, he dialed the number of the one person he hated without question.

"Dominic Toretto, you don't know me, but you will."


Dun Dun Duuuuuun! lol, I'm back and still tired😭

Finally finished finals so now I can focus on updating. And I'm sorry for taking so long.

Honestly, I realized every time I would update saying I'm going to post I was lowkey jinxing myself. Because every single time I said it, the energy I had to write would suddenly leave my body.

So yeah. You will also notice my chapters aren't as long as they usually are. That's because my mental health won't let me overwork my brain.

Sooooo enjoy the coming updates. I should also add that I won't be sticking to the movies exactly. I feel like I already said this.

But I really want to make my book stand on it's own without same exact plot. And I'm honestly tired of reading fast books that are the same with different characters soooooo, I just wanted to do something different with mine.

And no judgement to those who do like books like that or write them. I do as well I just wanted to do something different.

With love,



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