Chapter 17

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(Dom's POV)

Clipping the tail end of Shaw's car, I watch as he's sent over the side of the cliff. The relief I feel is halted when I spot Jakande, one of Ciphers top mercenaries tailing the car.

Amina sobbs dramatically as she watches Shaw's car leave out of view. "Nooooooo! Why?! Why?! Why?!!!!! My only blockhead!" Amina screams erratically. Suddenly she reaches over and wraps her hands and round my neck, choking me.

I barely maintain control of the car as one hand steers and the other attempts to pry her off of me.

I swerved the car and just barely missed the mountainside as Jakande rammed into the tail of our car.

I struggle as Amina tightens her hold around my neck. Grabbing a fistful of her hair I attempt to knock her head into the dashboard. Bullets crack the back windshield as the car's integrity lessens by the minute.

(3rd POV)

Ciphers laughter echoes throughout the jet as she watches the live footage of Toretto on the mountainside. She zooms in closer on the live feed. She watches in amusement as Amina attempts to choke the life out of Dom. Amina shakes her hands violently as slams Toretto's head into the driver's side window.

The car swerves back and forth across the tarmac as Dom attempts to slam Amina's head into the dashboard. Finally, stabilizing the car Dom heads towards the peak of the cliff side. Silent chuckles come from the unknown person sitting next to her. Cipher passes the popcorn as she continues to watch the scene unfold.

"And now you know why I kept her in an isolated psych ward, Dom." Ciphers states as the duo continue to laugh.

(Back to Dom's POV)

Reaching the peak of the mountain's cliff side I know that there is only one way this is going to end. With Amina intent on killing me and Jakande right on my tail, I decide to improvise. Removing my hand from buffering the tight grip Amina has on my neck, I know I only have a few minutes to get this right before I pass out.

Speeding towards the cliff I quickly turn the wheel counterclockwise. Shifting gears, I make a hairpin turn into a wide drift. Kicking up as much dirt and sand possible. The force of the turn slams Amina's head into the passenger side wall of the car, knocking her out.

Sloppily shoving a helmet on her head. I stop out of the turn facing the cliff side. Just before the dust clears I floor it. Falling freely through the air the car begins to tumble as it gets caught by a tree or two on the way down.

The car rolls over onto its hood and then slams back onto the right side with the hood facing up. I breathe heavily as I try to catch my breath. Out of everything I have experienced...I would never want to repeat that again, especially with Amina.

Grunting lowly I pull myself out through the driver's side window. The team pulls up just as I finish yanking Amina out of the passenger side window.

"Hey! Be careful with that fragile voluptuous cargo!" Roman yells.

Everyone ignores him as they watch Dom hand over an unconscious Amina to Brian.

"So how was it? Seemed like a pretty gnarly fall?" Brian questioned. Dom shakes his head in reply. "Just make sure you handcuff her." Dom comments. Brian raised an eyebrow at that as he puts Amina in his car.

(Ciphers POV)

"Well now, wasn't that fun? Alright, let's get back to work." She concludes as she pats the mysterious person's hand.


(Dom's POV)

We all stand around and wait for Amina to wake up as Letty tends to my increasingly bruised neck. I wince as she sprays my neck with iodine. "Mmph, mmph, mmmm." She shakes head. "She got you gooood." Letty chuckles.

"Would you rather be in the car with her next time?" I ask incredulously. "Nah, I'm cool." Looking out onto the lake I start to think about all I would like to say in this moment, but Letty beat me to it. "Brian told me what happened to Han. I'm sorry you had to lose him like that, but at least he went out doing what he loved the most, right?"

"He died because Shaw murdered him, I'm not sure there is much of a bright side to that." I soured. "Hey, watch that tone with me Dominic. I get it. Ok? It hurts to lose family, especially someone you were thick as thieves with. But how do you think everyone else feels? Sometimes, I think you forget all the loss and sacrifices made by everyone here." Letty scolds.

"Sorry. I'm still learning that I don't have to selfishly hold things on my own two shoulders any longer." I confess.

"You never did have to, Dom. Let me remind you that the team is still dealing with the loss of Jai. And I'm not going to remind you of who's fault that is. Tej, to be with this team and to continue to be by his cousin's side, gave up his shop in Miami. You remember they had plans for that together.

Brian is barely with his family for trying to be there for you. Even after you betrayed everyone's trust. I lost my best friend, which is partially my fault but, I've also lost my home, my family, and the one I still stupidly love. Han, Giselle, and Vince lost their lives for this team. Mia's lost her family, her security.

Leon and Jesse lost one of their closest friends, who is their family. They also lost their place in LA, for you Dom. And Roman lost Jai, Han, and Giselle. But most importantly, Jai lost not only her life but her freedom. For years she was in a shared relationship only to be mistreated and belittled. And you know damn well she had to have enough love for all of us to put up with that shit, because otherwise she would have left and never looked back.

Do you remember all the years she stood beside this family? How THE Jack Toretto, your father, brought her into the fold no questions asked. How she stood by everyone's side faithfully including Jakob's. The same Jakob that you forced away. You can apologize to me for being selfish and believe it or not I've already stupidly forgiven you. But who you need to apologize to is everyone else here and Elena too." Letty expressed.

I look on in confusion at the mention of Elena. "Oh come on?! Are you kidding me?!" Letty exclaims. A few heads turn our way as I move us further up the dock and farther away from prying ears.

"Don't get all prideful now. After I left and Jai disappeared you moved on with Elena. That's no secret. But don't you think she deserves an apology? It's been two years since we buried an empty casket and you left Elena high and dry. Not once have I seen you call her to let her know you're ok, or even alive. You have a habit of taking the women you date for granted. You wanna put our family back together? Start with changing your habits."

I watch Letty as she puts the med kit down on the bench beside me and walks away.

"Hey Dom, our Egyptian beauty is finally waking up!" Roman announces.

"Would you bloody shut up?!"


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