Chapter 1

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(Jai's POV)

I slowly make my entrance back into the abandoned warehouse Owen has claimed as his base of operations. On the outside the warehouse looks like nothing special, but on the inside it's decked out in state of the art equipment, technology, training rooms, and even fully furnished bedrooms.

Owen certainly didn't spare any expense on this place, even though he has hundreds of these bases throughout the world. Some people collect cars, whereas Owen collects diabolical lairs.

My boots thud across the concrete floor as I enter the main room. Glancing to my left I notice Jah and Ivory having their usual pissing contest over our new mission. To my right Vegh goes over the schematics of the cars we will be using. Making my way over to Owen I pick up one of my throwing knives fluidly flipping the knife between my fingers.

"Everything all set?" Owen questions just barely looking up from his floor plans of Interpol.

"It's ready, all you have to do is say the word." I state with a smirk.

"Good. I always know I can trust you to get the job done." He smiles.

"I mean that is why I'm your temporary right hand, besides, Cipher wants to be sure the job is followed through accordingly." I reply looking at Owen as he meets my eyes.

"You know you could always become my permanent right hand, maybe even partner in crime I dare say." I chuckle humorlessly as Owen shoots his shot for the billionth time.

I step closer to Owen as I lean over the table. "You and I both know that Cipher would kill you before you could even blink, so you can stop seducing me to be a part of your little team." I whisper ever so closely to his ear. "I think you forget who the big fish truly is here."

I look Owen in the eye with a raised brow as I hold his gaze. The tips of his ears ever so slightly turn a shade of pink as he clears his throat.

"Right, of course. How much longer should we be expecting you?" He asks.

"Not long, besides I still need to pay Deckard a visit." I say with boredom lingering in my tone.

"You know he'll never join you." Owen says just as I'm leaving towards my room.

"It's worth a shot." I state over my shoulder.


(Dom's POV)

I stand by the windows overlooking the London sunset. The mixture of orange and pink skies brings about a peace to the atmosphere surrounding London. I'm honestly having a hard time believing that Jai is alive. We all got the news a year ago, how she died in a tragic car accident. The surrounding area was so charred they couldn't even find her body. Letty comes up beside me and leans her head on my shoulder.

"What's going through that head of yours, Dom?"

"Honestly so much is going through my head Letty. We spent a whole year grieving Jai, and I still can't forgive myself for how we left her. We should have found a way to be together, the three of us. At least send a plane ticket or something." I say as I shake my head.

Letty lets out a sigh as I turn to her. I take her hand as she uses the other to caress my cheek. I lean into her touch as I try to seek solace for what's going to happen next. "Look Dom, I'm not going to sugar coat the fact that we fucked up. I can already hear Roman scolding us for fumbling the bag." Letty chuckles. "But now we've been given a miracle, a chance to bring her home once and for all."

"But we don't know what mental state she's going to be in, and I'm sure she's probably going to kick both our asses." I say looking down to Letty. Letty and I both chuckle at the thought.

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