Chapter 20

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(Deckard's POV)

Our arrival in London is a quiet one. It's currently 12:30 in the afternoon and I can't wait to surprise my little bird for her birthday. It's been difficult for all of us in the Shaw household. With me being gone for work, Dani missing, and the loss of Jai, nothing has been the same.

If it wasn't for my mum, I think my little bird would lose her spunk. The last thing I need is for Jazzy to develop ptsd and depression at an early age. Jasmine looks up to her sister and depends on her mother, without them I know she feels scared. She's scared of losing another person she loves.

What makes it all the more horrible is how I can't protect her from this. Truly I feel helpless sometimes. I'm so used to being this tough guy that has it all together, but still both my girls have brought out the best in me.

Pulling up to the front of our house, I park the car in the driveway leaving Amina and Owen to fend for themselves. Sprinting up to the front door I see the party's already in full swing. Bluey blasts throughout the house, but all I hear are the cries of my little girl. I unlock the door and close it as I follow her cries into the living room.

"Daddy!" Jasmine runs at me full force, with tears streaming down her reddened face. Crouching down I meet her halfway as I pick her up and hold her to my chest. We cling to each other tightly as I rock her back and forth. "I missed you so much, little bird."

"I didn't...think you would come home, just like mummy!" She sobbs. I kiss the top of her head as I run my hands through her hair. "I'm here, I promised I would come back. Your mum never meant to leave you little one. Neither of us did." I cry.

"It's my birthday today. You didn't forget did you?" She questions through her sniffles. Sitting us both down on the couch I wiped away her tears with my sleeve. "I could never forget your birthday, love. Absolutely never. I remembered your birthday so clearly that I even got you a surprise." I smile as Jasmine's face lights up.

"Did you bring mummy back from Heaven?!" Jasmine questions excitedly as my mum watches us from afar in tears. I freeze for a second as I'm not sure what to say to her. The only thing Jasmine really wants for her birthday is her mum.

"Well I'm currently still talking to God about that, but until then...I have another wonderful surprise!" I assure. "Really?! Well I'll just have to ask God to hurry up with bringing Mummy back in my prayers tonight! But what's the other thing?" Jasmine asked with a raised brow.

Seeing Owen and Amina walk in through the entryway, I decide that now would be a good time to unveil the surprise. "Alright little bird, close your eyes." I ask. Jasmine instantly closes her eyes and puts her hands over her face as she giggles. I lead her over to the doorway as Owen puts down the crate in his hand and opens it.

Heading for the cage I take out the baby Rottweiler and hold it in my hands. Jai would always talk about how she wanted a Rottweiler as a kid, so I thought, 'why not Jasmine?' The chubby black and brown pup is full of excitement as she sees an unsuspecting Jazzy bouncing with unbridled energy.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Jazzy asks. "Yes little bird you can open your eyes now." I assure as a smile graces my face. I quickly crouch down to Jasmine's height as I carefully hold the dog at eye level.

"OH MY GOSH!!!!! IT'S A PUPPY!!!!" Jazzy screams as she barrels into both me and the puppy. She hugs me furiously as I move the puppy from getting squeezed. Letting go Jasmine sits in front of me as I put the puppy on the floor.

Its little ears perk up as it curiously walks in her direction. "It's still a baby so you have to be very gentle, alright?" I direct. Jazzy nods as she goes to pet its head. It snuggles into her legs as it rolls on its back seeking belly rubs. "What's its name?" She asks.

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