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Words this chapter- 289

"You may take the leave y/n,
I hope you take this time to properly relax,
And come back fresh.

- your dearest friend, Oyakata-sama"

'Hmp, the old man sure knows how to write formally' y/n though while quickly stuffing everything into her suitcase.

Not even half an hour later, y/n was done.
She sighed before grabbing her wallet and weapons.

Walking out the estate, suitcase in one hand and a platter of baked goods that she had made before, it the other hand.

Knocking on the butterfly estate door, she was met with Shinobu, who timidly smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Here Kocho-san, be sure to share with the others, this is my parting gift after all." She then turned to leave after stuffing the platter into Shinobu's ams.


"Hm?" y/n didn't turn around but she did stop to show that she was listening.

"I-i um, n-nevermind..."

y/n shrugged her shoulders as she walked away from the estate.

Shinobu sighed sadly as she once again failed to confess to her long time crush, 'hopefully there will be a next time...' she thought as she watched y/n in the distance.

It turns out y/n had no clue where she wanted to go...
Now in asakusa prefecture, y/n asked around for ideas on which place to go.

"Ryotei High School Academy!"

'Did I just get offered to go to a school to pass the time... I guess I could go, I've never been to a school before'

With a new destination in mind, y/n made her way through the forests occasionally killing demons that crossed her path.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now