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Words this chapter- 370

y/n was NOT having it.
She did everything right and enrolled into the school.
Everything was going smoothly until she received her uniform.

It was atrocious.
The skirt barley reached mid thigh and the button up blouse was squeezing her chest too tight.
y/n then pulled a Shinobu.

She burned the uniform.
She didn't regret it.

Sighing to herself, she pulled on her demon slayer uniform and then pulled on her pitch black haori.

This academy was quite convenient for her, she was used to being up at night slaying demons and since the academy was a night school, it fit well with her sleeping schedule.

Throwing out the ashes, y/n picked some nichirin daggers and hid them in the many hidden pockets she had.

Content with what she had, she proceeded to leave the apartment that she had bought.
Locking the door, y/n raced down the streets.
Now in front of the Academy, she was thoroughly impressed.

The Schoold building looked like a historic castle, nothing like the traditional Japanese buildings that she was used to.

Walking in, she looked around was surprised to see heaps of people holding a black box thingy and talking to it.

Shaking her head, she proceeded to find her way to her class.

First period: English

It was safe to say she knew nothing...literally nothing.
She could speak Chinese, Russian, Korean, Italian, French... but English? She was a lost cause.
And it didn't help that a guy was glaring at her all period.

'Fucking idiot, what does he want' an irk mark appeared on her forehead but she just turned and smiled at the guy.

The guy 'tsk'ed and glared harder.

Y/n finally realised why he was glaring at her.

He was a teachers pet... and she wasn't in uniform.

When the period ended he approached her and y/n felt more glares directed at her.

Turning away from the man, a whole bunch of girls glared at her and it suddenly clicked in her head.

'This jackass is popular? Can I fake not being able to speak Japanese and English so he won't talk to me?' She thought not wanting to socialise.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now