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"Not a demon- not a demon- not a demon- but a vampire..." y/n muttered to herself as she review the days events.

Now sitting in a local library, she searched through the books on supernatural creatures.

She should report her finding to Oyakata-sama immediately, but she just needed a bit more information.

She flipped through all the books she could find but sighed in aggravation as everything was fake and just written for entertainment.

Someone plopped down next to her and leaned their head on her shoulder.

Y/n tensed but decided to ignore the person.

She had more things to worry about.

But not even a moment later, the person started picking at her cheek.

Y/n let out an annoyed huff and twisted her head towards her offender.

"What!?" She whisper yelled in annoyance

"That book is bullshit" Subaru spoke, his white hair tickling her face.

"Fine then! I'll just ask from the source myself! What is your weakness" y/n spoke in annoyance, her temper rising

"Our...weakness..?" Subaru spoke uncertainly

"Yes! For Gods Sake! YOUR WEAKNESS!" Y/n answered, quickly losing patience

Subaru glared at her.
Quickly loosing his own patience.

"A price" he negotiated

Y/n glared in distrust.
"Name your price"

"A drop of your blood" he spoke

Y/n narrowed her eyes and pulled out a blade from her haori, Subaru grabbed it from her and shook his head.

"What gives?" Y/n asked

"I'll bite"


"It's more satisfying if I can bite..." Subaru explained

Y/n sighed and stuck out her wrist.
Subaru stared at her neck before ultimately giving up.

He neared his mouth to her wrist, the blood rushing through her veins could be heard as he neared.

His hot breath trailed and his tongue escaped his lips and licked the spot he was planning to bite.

Y/n watched impatiently.

Subaru's slimy and hot tongue licked once more before a sting over came her wrist and y/n's eye twitched.

Subaru had sunk his fangs in.

His eyes widened at the explosion of flavour.
It was unexplainable how amazing her blood tasted.

The saliva built up in his mouth and he greedily took in more, that was, until y/n had hit him in the chin, disconnecting his supply.

"Enough" she spoke coldly.

Subaru licked his lips as his eyes slitted.
The flavour still melting in his mouth.

"Alright... our weakness is having our head cut off... but not with nichirin as you have... it must be done with silver and our body has to be too damaged to be healed first" Subaru explained

Y/n wrote the method down in a small note book before nodding and standing up from her seat.

"Where are you going..?" Subaru asked, also standing up.

"To do my job" y/n spoke as she ran out of the library.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now