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Y/n paid close attention to the Sakamaki brothers.

She didn't even let them near yui at all.
With yui protected by y/n and the Sakamaki's on close watch, the brothers couldn't do anything risky.

Kanato was still at home recovering from being decapitated and the rest of the brothers were shocked.

Since y/n had used her blade used for killing demons, it was taking Kanato longer to regenerate.

Even shūū, who usually wasn't bothered by much, was now weary around the female.

Though it bothered them that they couldn't have yui's blood, they would much rather keep their heads.

In that week, y/n had kept yui at her house.
She didn't even sleep which freaked the Sakamaki's out when they came, trying to get their snack back.

Though Laito and Reji were both weirdly turned on by the fact.


A week.
It had taken Kanato a whole week to regenerate.
And he was mad.
He was boiling over with rage.

How dare she slice off his head, was the most common thought that spun through his head.

Though he couldn't deny that he was shocked that she could stand up for herself, y/n had seemed like an obedient female.

Guess he was wrong.
Oh well, all the more fun it would be to break her...right?

The longer Kanato thought about it, the more he felt himself letting it go.

Then, it hit him

Vampires kill each other to show their love for one another...

That meant y/n was in love with him.

Kanato found himself daydreaming about coming back to school and finally claiming y/n.

She had killed him! Someone had shown their undying love for him.

And he couldn't be happier that it was his self proclaimed chef.

She would cook for him, she would bake for him, and she would be his wife... all his

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now