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Yui was acting like a bitch to everyone at school who got close to the sakamaki brothers and constantly asked for y/n.

Yet no one knew where she was.

No one could comprehend why yui was acting that way instead of her cute shy self and only the sakamaki brothers knew who had invaded yui's body.

This continued until y/n returned.
The second Cordelia saw her, she flung herself in yui's body at y/n.

"Darling! You don't know how much I missed you!"

Y/n tensed up and her body involuntarily froze.
"What?" She spoke

Yui smiled widely.
"Of course my darling is smart..." she whispered sinisterly.

Y/n immediately pushed her off.
"Who are you and where is yui. The REAL Yui" she glared

The woman smirked and told her to meet her up at the roof at first break.

Y/n glared but obeyed.
What else could she do about it?

If worst came then she would be ready to behead her dear friend for the greater good.

No demon who met her was unscathed.

Y/n had her watchful gaze on the vampires the rest of the day, trying to figure them out through their stiff movements.

Her eyes narrowed at math when Liato didn't try flirt with her when yui was sitting next to him.

Then she was more suspicious in English when Reiji didn't try to yell at her for her improper ways and just gave her a glance over and tensed up whenever yui came around.

There was also Ayato In physical education, he had a glare of hate on his face but never acted out on it, he kept to himself and didn't act proud and mighty that day.

Last but not least was Kanato, the boy clung to both y/n and yui, he had never done that before.
Usually he competes with yui for y/n's attention but now he was torn between them.

Y/n swore she heard him call yui mother once.

Coming to the end of the day, y/n walked to find a spare and empty room in thought, she would need it to write down the clues.

Looking up, y/n pulled the door open to a random room and seeing that it was empty, she walked in.

Only two seconds later, tripping on a body that lay on the floor.

"Huh- !!!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now